


Elevators are complex systems with many critical components working together to ensure smooth and safe vertical transportation. There are several parts, and it will depend on the type of elevator traction, hydraulic and escalator, which also have different types of traction and hydraulic elevators. Some essential parts include:


Controller Assembly

This acts as the elevator’s brain, managing the elevator’s movement and operation based on inputs from the car and hall calls.

Machine Assembly

This includes the motor/machine and the drive that powers the elevator’s movement

Cable Systems

The steel ropes attached to the car and the counterweight system raise and lower the elevator car.

Car Assembly

This includes the cabin where passengers ride, its operating panel, lights, and doors.

Safety Systems

Including brakes, safety interlocks, buffers, emergency signaling devices, braking systems, governors, and many more.

Guide Rails and Shoes

These help keep the elevator car aligned on the rails as the car moves up and down the shaft.

Door Mechanisms

To prevent doors from closing on passengers, the doors themselves, the door operator, the opening and closing mechanisms, and the safety sensors should be involved.

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An elevator should receive routine maintenance just as your car does; missing maintenance takes a toll on it. Elevator maintenance is vital for several reasons:


Regular maintenance ensures all safety mechanisms are functioning correctly to protect passengers. Most areas have an authority having jurisdiction that ensures elevators are inspected.


Elevators must comply with various safety codes and standards; maintenance ensures these requirements are met. The authority having jurisdiction helps enforce compliance and safety.


Elevators must comply with various safety codes and standards; maintenance ensures these requirements are met. The authority having jurisdiction helps enforce compliance and safety.


Routine maintenance can prevent costly repairs and replacements from a poorly maintained system. Elevator repair costs are rising in buildings with elevators.


Regular servicing prolongs the life of elevator components and the system. An elevator is one of the most expensive assets of a building; maintaining its life cycle is essential for many reasons.  

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Frequent elevator failures can often be attributed to several factors:

Wear and Tear

Elevators are mechanical systems subject to wear and tear from daily use. Parts like cables, pulleys, and brakes can degrade over time. Life just happens, and the elevator becomes old and worn out.

Poor Maintenance

Inadequate or infrequent maintenance can lead to premature system failures. Regular maintenance can identify and rectify minor issues before they become significant problems​​​​.

Aging Technology

Older elevators may not operate as efficiently as newer models, requiring more frequent repairs or total system overhauls​​​​. As newer technology evolves and parts need replacing, it may become difficult to make parts work together.

Inconsistent Use

Elevators in buildings with high traffic volumes or irregular use may experience more breakdowns due to the erratic strain on their systems​​​​. Elevators need to be used for what they are installed for. It is common to see elevators overloaded or designed for people moving criteria that change as the building’s use changes.

Design Flaws and Installation Errors

Sometimes, the initial design and installation may contribute to ongoing operational challenges. For example, some elevators have been designed badly, resulting in a shorter life cycle.

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OEM Parts

Original Equipment Manufacturer parts are typically recommended for best performance and compatibility but can be more expensive.

Read more related article:

  1. The Elevator Dilemma: Proprietary vs. Non-Proprietary Elevator Systems for New Construction and Elevator Modernization

Aftermarket Parts

These parts are generally cheaper and can be high-quality, but they might not always match the exact specifications of OEM parts.

Refurbished Parts

Used parts restored to functional condition can be a cost-effective solution, especially for older models for which parts may no longer be readily available.

Custom Fabricated Parts

Sometimes, parts must be custom-made, particularly for very old or unique elevators, which can be expensive and time-consuming.

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Choosing the correct type of replacement parts involves considering the elevator’s age, usage, and the specific performance requirements of the building. Consulting with professional elevator consultants can help make informed decisions that balance cost, compliance, and performance​​​​​​.

FAQ for Guidelines for Elevator Replacement Parts

This question helps users understand which components they might need to consider more frequently for checks and replacement. This is really hard to say due to the many applications of elevator usage.

Elevator maintenance should typically be performed monthly; however, it is common to see quarter maintenance. The frequency can vary based on the elevator’s age, usage, and manufacturer recommendations.

AccordioSigns include unusual noises, jerky rides, delayed start, frequent breakdowns, or doors not opening or closing properly; these can also mean the elevator need maintenance as well.  Any operational irregularity is a cue to consult a professional.n Content

It really depends on the parts; you should consult a professional elevator consultant who understands the industry and is not trying to sell you parts.

Major components can last up to 20 years, depending on usage and maintenance. However, there are several components that need replacement or upgrades more frequently.

AccordRegular maintenance ensures all elevator components function correctly, reducing the risk of problems and breakdowns. It also enhances efficiency by preventing minor issues from developing into major problems.ion Content

Critical Components of Elevator Modernization Scope of Work: What Every Business Owner Should Know

As a business owner with elevators in your building, understanding the intricacies of an elevator modernization project is crucial.  An elevator modernization enhances the functionality and safety of your building while also improving the user experience for tenants and visitors. There are several critical components of an elevator modernization scope of work, and understanding the complexities of this project is vital.

Understanding An Elevator Modernization

Elevator modernization involves upgrading an elevator system’s critical mechanical and electronic components to meet the building’s current needs, technological advances, and safety standards. Modernization allows significant updates to an existing system based on the equipment’s current condition.

Understanding An Elevator Modernization

The process typically includes the installation of new controllers, machines, drives, wiring, fixtures, etc., which depends on the type of equipment being modernized. Is the equipment hydraulic, traction, escalator, lift, or others? 

Why Modernize Your Elevators?

Modernizing your elevators can improve efficiency, enhance safety features, and provide a better overall elevator experience for building personnel and users. It can also significantly reduce the frequency of breakdowns and costly repairs. A cab remodel is only sometimes required during modernization. The reason for modernizing a building depends on its situation.

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How Often Do Elevators Need to Be Modernized?

The frequency of elevator modernization depends on several factors, including the age of the equipment, the intensity of its use, regulations, and the needs of the building. An elevator requires modernization every 20 to 25 years. However, it depends on the equipment installed. For instance, machine room-less (MRL) systems require modernizations quickly. There is also the challenge of parts availability and obsolescence.

Scope of Work in Elevator Modernization

Scope of Work in Elevator Modernization

Assessment and Planning: Initial evaluation of the existing systems to identify components that need replacement or upgrade. This phase should include a detailed risk assessment and a project feasibility study.

Component Upgrades

Drive System

Replacing old motors and drives with more energy-efficient models. Control System: Upgrading to a modern microprocessor-based control system for better speed, efficiency, and reliability.

Signal Fixtures

Installing new buttons, floor indicators, and operating panels. Door Operators: Upgrading door mechanisms to improve safety and functionality. Aesthetic Enhancements: Refurbishing the interior of the elevator cabins, including walls, floors, and lighting, to improve user experience and comply with ADA standards.

Safety and Compliance

Ensuring all modernized components meet current safety codes and ADA compliance requirements. This includes installing new safety features like emergency communication systems.


The actual modernization work should be scheduled to minimize disruption. If multiple units are being upgraded, this might involve phased elevator shutdowns.

Testing and Commissioning

Post-upgrade testing to ensure all modernized components function correctly together. This phase should include thorough testing of safety systems and final adjustments.

Read more related articles:

Out with the Old, In with the New: Strategies for Elevator Modernization

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Elevator modernization is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and execution. Understanding the scope of work involved is the first step toward ensuring that your elevator systems are efficient and compliant and provide users with a safe, pleasant experience. By investing in modernization, you not only enhance the value of your property but also contribute to the longevity and reliability of your building’s vertical transportation system.

FAQ - Elevator Modernization Scope of Work

Elevator modernization involves upgrading significant components of your elevator systems to improve safety, efficiency, and performance. This may include replacing drives, controllers, cabin interiors, signaling systems, and doors.

Modernization is often more cost-effective than full replacement and is less disruptive to building operations. It allows for integrating the latest technology without the need for complete elevator replacement, extending the lifespan and efficiency of the existing system.

Signs that your elevator may need modernization include frequent breakdowns, noticeable performance issues like slow operation or jerky rides, and high energy consumption. An elevator consultant can conduct a thorough audit to recommend whether modernization is necessary.

The duration of an elevator modernization project can vary widely depending on the scope of work. Simple upgrades might only take a few days, while comprehensive modernizations could require several weeks. We plan meticulously to minimize disruption to your operations.

Benefits include improved reliability and safety, reduced energy and maintenance costs, compliance with current standards, and enhanced user satisfaction.

Yes, modernization plans are highly customizable. We consider factors like your building’s age, the elevator’s usage patterns, and specific performance issues to create a tailored modernization plan that meets your unique requirements.

Modernization ensures that your elevator system complies with current safety standards, ADA requirements, and local building codes, which can often change over time. Compliance not only enhances safety but also avoids legal and financial liabilities.

In some regions, grants, low-interest loans, or tax incentives may be available for upgrading elevators to energy-efficient or safer systems. We can help you identify and apply for relevant incentives.

Costs can vary greatly based on the elevator’s condition, required upgrades, and the building’s characteristics. After an initial assessment, we provide detailed estimates to help you budget the project effectively.

The process typically includes an initial assessment, detailed planning, the procurement of necessary components, installation, and rigorous testing to ensure everything works seamlessly and safely.

Why Elevator Consulting Services are Essential for Businesses

In today’s business environment, where elevators and escalators are integral to the functionality of buildings, ensuring the safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance of these vertical transportation systems is paramount. 

This is where elevator consulting services come into play. Offering a blend of expert advice, strategic oversight, and meticulous audits, these services are crucial for tailoring solutions that meet each property’s unique challenges and requirements, whether commercial or residential. 

Elevator consultants provide invaluable guidance to ensure that these essential systems operate at their peak performance, safeguarding the well-being of occupants and aligning business goals and needs with industry standards.


Elevator consulting services have emerged as a cornerstone for businesses with elevators. They provide a blend of expert advice, strategic planning, and comprehensive audits to ensure the optimal performance of vertical transportation systems. 

The essence of these services lies in their ability to offer tailored solutions that address each building’s unique challenges and requirements, ensuring safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards.

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Unbiased Expertise

Unlike manufacturers or service companies, elevator consultants offer an objective perspective, free from the bias of selling products or services. This ensures that recommendations and solutions are solely in the interest of the building’s safety and efficiency. A consultant provides solutions to your concerns, representing you as your advocate. 

Related article: What Is An Elevator Consultant?

Cost Efficiency

By identifying unnecessary repairs, downtime, and issues and providing guidance on the most effective solutions, consultants can prevent overcharges and reduce long-term operating costs, positively impacting the bottom line​​. The return on investment from hiring an elevator consultant is almost immediate.

Safety and Compliance

Consultants stay abreast of the latest safety codes and regulations, ensuring that buildings remain compliant. Thus, they mitigate the risk of fines and enhance the safety of occupants. They know the code for your installation. 

Related article: Elevator Cost Reduction

Customized Elevator Maintenance Plans

Through detailed audits and performance assessments, consultants develop customized maintenance plans that optimize system operation, prolong the lifespan of the equipment, and ensure consistent service quality​​. The goal is for elevators to last their life cycle without additional cost. 

Strategic Elevator Modernization Guidance

Elevator consultants play a crucial role in guiding modernization efforts, ensuring that investments in technologies offer the best return on investment in terms of efficiency, safety, and user satisfaction. 

Elevator modernization can be one of the most significant investments a building makes; following a process proven to save cost, be on budget, and within time is paramount to a project of this magnitude. Too often, buildings rely on their elevator company to tell them what they need. 

Related article: Elevator Modernization: A Comprehensive Guide

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The role of a consultant engineer in elevator services is multifaceted, encompassing a wide range of responsibilities that extend beyond mere consultation. A consultant engineer provides knowledge to meet the client’s needs. 


Key Responsibilities Include

Technical Audits and Assessments

Performing thorough evaluations of the elevator systems to identify potential issues, compliance lapses, and opportunities for improvement​​. This can save the building life cycle, unnecessary costs, and peace of mind.

Maintenance Oversight

Ensure that maintenance activities are performed according to contractual agreements and industry standards, thereby preventing downtimes and extending the system’s life​​. This allows building personnel to focus on their core business and leave the elevators and escalators to a consultant.

Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)

Implementing RCM strategies that focus on preventive maintenance to enhance the reliability and efficiency of the elevators, thus reducing operational costs and improving service reliability​​. It is key to staying ahead of the situation and eliminating issues. Consultants are experts in this process.

Industry Trend Analysis

We keep abreast of the latest industry trends, technological advancements, and regulatory changes to advise clients on staying ahead of the curve and ensuring their systems are up-to-date and compliant​​. The industry is constantly changing, especially with supply chain and labor being such a challenge for the elevator industry.

Problem-Solving and Optimization

Identifying root causes of operational issues and recommending solutions that improve the performance and safety of the elevator systems​​. The goal is not to have a reoccurring problem, let alone a problem; understanding how to troubleshoot and get to the root of the problem is critical.

Financial Advisory

Providing advice on managing and reducing costs associated with elevator operations, maintenance, and modernization projects​​​​. Cost is at the forefront of all businesses, and a consultant knows how to keep costs low while maintaining safe elevators.

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The indispensable role of elevator consulting services in enhancing safety standards and operational efficiency in buildings with elevators is undeniable. Through expert guidance, customized solutions, and strategic planning, consultant engineers ensure that vertical transportation systems are safe, efficient, and compliant, thereby contributing significantly to the overall value and functionality of the property.

FAQ - Elevator Consulting Services

An elevator consultant provides professional assessment, advice, and solutions for the maintenance, modernization, repair, service, and installation of elevator systems. Their expertise ensures elevators’ efficient, safe operation and compliance with all regulatory standards​​. They solve your problems and concerns with your elevators and escalators.

Hiring an elevator consultant can help identify and solve issues with your elevator systems, prevent costly repairs, ensure safety, and improve operational efficiency. Consultants bring specialized knowledge that can save time and money in the long run​​. They know all the nuances of the industry and how to solve them.

Elevator consultants offer a broad spectrum of services, including system audits, maintenance planning, modernization advice, installation consultation, compliance checks, and emergency system analysis, tailored to meet your property’s specific needs. Whatever issues or questions you have about your elevators, a consultant can answer.

Elevator consulting can lead to substantial savings by avoiding unnecessary repairs, identifying areas of coverage, missed issues, parts availability, and solutions, and extending the lifespan of your elevator systems. This results in significant long-term and short-term cost reductions​​.

Elevator consultants conduct surveys, audits, and assessments to ensure that elevators adhere to the latest performance, safety standards, and regulations. They recommend ensuring that elevators are compliant and safe for users​​.

We offer flexible pricing models to suit various needs, including project-based fees, hourly rates, fixed fees, and retainers. We aim to provide transparent pricing tailored to your specific project requirements​​. Pricing is provided upfront, along with a detailed scope of work.

The process begins with an initial consultation to assess your needs. It is followed by a scope of work to address those needs and a plan for implementation. We ensure clear communication and thoroughness throughout every step​​.

We offer emergency consultation services to swiftly and effectively address urgent issues.

Absolutely. We understand that every building and its needs are unique. Our solutions are specifically tailored to address your property’s challenges and requirements, ensuring optimal performance and safety of your elevator systems. All buildings have an elevator system installed for their application, resulting in a different solution for all locations.

Mastering Elevator Installation: Expert Tips & Cost Breakdown

In today’s changing market, supply change, and labor changes, understanding the intricate process of installing an elevator requires expertise and knowledge of the elevator industry for a precise implementation within budget and time frame. 

These tips illuminate the intricacies of elevator installation, the steps involved, the associated costs, and the essential factors to guarantee a successful project. The overall installation of an elevator should be mindful of whether it is a new installation, a modernization, or an upgrade.


Installing an elevator begins with a detailed understanding of the elevator installation process. From commercial buildings seeking to enhance performance to residential properties aiming for increased uptime and user experience, the procedure encompasses several stages:


Planning and Design

This initial phase involves selecting the correct type of elevator based on building requirements, purpose, and user traffic. The design process considers the elevator’s capacity, speed, and energy efficiency, tailoring it to the building’s needs, including tenants and moving goods if necessary. 

The chosen elevator contractor must follow a detailed scope of work for the entire elevator system. This scope of work should include terms that protect the building during and after installation.

Permit and Approval

Securing necessary permits and approvals from local authorities ensures the installation complies with building codes and safety standards. The selected contractor usually obtains these permits for the commercial elevator installation. The authority having jurisdiction will issue the licenses and release them once the installation is completed.

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Site Preparation

Preparing the site for installation involves creating the elevator shaft, machine room, if required, and pit for new installation. For elevator modernization, the old equipment is removed, the areas are prepped, and the latest equipment is installed with all the latest code requirements. This groundwork with appropriate scope of work lays the foundation for a smooth elevator installation process.

Related article: Elevator Modernization: A Comprehensive Guide


Professional elevator installation companies undertake the task of assembling and installing the elevator system. This includes following the requirements of the scope of work and following it as described, including all components mentioned. The submittals should be on hand for guidance on what was approved and ordered.

Need Help with Elevator New Construction & Installation?

Testing and Commissioning

Before the elevator is ready for use, it undergoes rigorous testing to confirm its operational efficiency, safety, and compliance with regulations. The authority having jurisdiction will complete their inspection before releasing the permit. The elevator contractor will also run several tests and train key personnel. 

Related article: Navigating the Compliance Maze: How The Elevator Consultants Streamline Elevator Inspection Management


The cost of elevator installation varies significantly based on the elevator type, the installation’s complexity, and the building’s requirements. While commercial elevator installations generally involve higher expenditures due to their sophisticated features and higher capacity. 

Seeking quotes from reputable elevator installation companies based on the detailed scope of work can provide a clearer picture of the investment required.

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Selecting a proficient elevator contractor for the installation is paramount to the success of your project. Look for providers with a track record of reliable installations, adherence to safety standards, and comprehensive after-installation support. An elevator consultant can help you through the process.


While the basics of elevator installation cover the process, costs, and the choice of a reliable installation partner, nuanced considerations can significantly influence your elevator system’s success and functionality.


Energy Efficiency and Sustainability of the Elevator

Integrating energy-efficient features into your elevator system is beneficial for the environment and can lead to cost savings over time. Consider options such as regenerative drives and LED lighting in the elevator cabin. Evaluating long-term energy consumption and exploring sustainable materials and technologies is also worth considering.

Elevator Customization for User Experience

Beyond functionality, the user experience is paramount. Many customization options include cabin interiors crafted from luxurious materials and advanced control systems that reduce wait times. Incorporating features such as touchless controls, voice-activated commands, and interactive displays can significantly enhance user satisfaction.

Future-Proofing the Elevator

Technology evolves rapidly, and the elevator industry is no exception. Opting for an elevator system that allows for easy updates and adaptations to new technologies is vital. This might include software updates for elevator controls or modular components that can be upgraded as better versions become available. Future-proofing your installation ensures longevity and adaptability, keeping your system modern and efficient for years.

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Elevator installation is a complex process for both new installations and modernizations. By understanding the essentials—from the scope of work, installation procedure, and costs to selecting the right elevator contractor—you ensure that your building’s vertical transportation system is not just a mode of transit but a testament to safety, efficiency, and innovation. The elevator users will ride with ease and confidence.

FAQs: Elevator Installation Uncovered

Installation involves a detailed scope of work, site preparation, equipment installation, testing, inspections, training, and warranty, which are all part of the installation process. The time of installation is based on what is being installed and the height of the building, ranging from 8 weeks to 16 weeks.

This is for new installation, and a design firm will assist in the optimal location depending on the building’s design and usage patterns, typically where it can serve the users efficiently.

This question is answered based on usage, traffic flow, and space, among other requirements. Hiring an elevator consultant can assist with these decisions.

Several materials are needed for an elevator. On a high level, these include steel for the shaft, cables, and frame, along with electrical components for operation and safety systems.

Regulations vary, but generally, buildings over two to three stories high have an elevator.

The space requirement depends on the elevator type and capacity. Elevator sizes can be “off the shelf” or customized.

The elevator is an elevator system, and all components are critical to an elevator.

It depends on the type of construction; however, employing protective barriers and covers, along with strict operational protocols, safeguards the elevator during construction.

Basic Guide to Commercial Elevators

Commercial elevators play a pivotal role in all buildings, enhancing accessibility and contributing significantly to the overall functionality of commercial properties that move people from one floor to another. As businesses evolve, the need for efficient, reliable vertical transportation systems becomes more apparent, especially in today’s world when properties are being reused, malls are being converted into apartments, medical office spaces are being converted to residential living, and some offices are being converted to residential living. 

Buildings are being reused throughout the country as we evolve.  This guide provides some basic information into the world of commercial elevators, covering critical aspects from costs and dimensions to installation, repair, and maintenance, aiming to provide valuable insights for building owners, property managers, and decision-makers.

A Prerequisite Understanding Commercial Elevators

Commercial elevators, designed to serve the needs of buildings serving various purposes, including offices, hotels, hospitals, and retail centers, are more than just transportation systems; they invest in your property’s infrastructure and operational efficiency. Critical elements shape the landscape of commercial elevators.

A Prerequisite Understanding Commercial Elevators

Cost Considerations: An Investment Perspective

One of the first questions that comes to mind is, “How much does a commercial elevator cost?” While the initial price for installing a commercial elevator can range significantly based on size, type, and customizations, averages suggest a ballpark figure from $125,000 to over $550,000 per unit and more. The cost depends on which elevator system components are being modernized or updated. 

The price for a new installation also differs and depends on various attributes. The latest installation ranges from $175,000 to over $550,000 per unit. This investment enhances building functionality, adhering to safety standards, reliability, performance, and accessibility, and potentially increasing the property’s value.

Dimensions and Capacity: Tailoring to Your Needs

The commercial size of an elevator depends on its intended use and capacity requirements. Standard dimensions, which can accommodate 3,000 to 4,000 pounds and more, are designed to meet the demands of most commercial buildings. However, dimensions and capacity can be customized to cater to specific needs, ensuring your elevator system aligns with your building’s operational requirements.

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The New Installation and Modernization Process

Commercial elevator installation is a complex process that requires meticulous planning and execution. Essential steps include choosing the right contractor, understanding your building’s requirements, and complying with local codes and standards.

The New Installation and Modernization Process

Moreover, modernizing existing elevators can significantly enhance their efficiency, safety, and longevity, providing a better return on investment. New construction and modernization of elevators follow similar methodologies.

Maintenance and Repair: Ensuring Long-Term Reliability

Regular elevator maintenance and timely repairs are crucial for the longevity and reliability of commercial elevators. A well-maintained elevator not only ensures the safety of its users but also minimizes downtime, thereby preventing potential revenue loss, frustrated tenants or users, and overall unnecessary elevator issues. 

Engaging with a qualified, reputable elevator service provider can streamline maintenance processes, reduce operational costs, and prolong the lifespan of your elevators. It is the building’s responsibility to ensure the elevator’s maintenance is completed. The guidelines for elevators are as follows: in ASME A17.1 and others.

Choosing the Right Elevator: Factors to Consider

When selecting an elevator for commercial use, whether upgrading, modernizing an existing elevator, or new construction, consider the building’s size, the average number of users, usage, traffic flow, energy efficiency, and the level of customization required. 

Whether traction elevators for high-rise buildings or hydraulic models for lower floors are the right choice it depends on your needs and budget constraints. Proprietary elevators and non-proprietary elevator systems should also be considered. An elevator consultant can assist any building with this decision process and explain its pros and cons.

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When considering installing a new elevator in new construction or completing an elevator modernization, integrating a commercial elevator system into your property requires thorough planning, investment, and ongoing management. 

By understanding the essentials of commercial elevators, you can make informed decisions that enhance your building’s value, safety, reliability, and operational efficiency. This process can be expensive, and ensuring you have all the correct information is critical.

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Related Questions Answered

Commercial elevators typically range in size and capacity, designed to accommodate the specific needs of a commercial building, including passenger, service and freight requirements. Commercial elevators can be customized based on the application needed as well.

Traction elevators are preferred for high-rise commercial buildings due to their speed and efficiency, while hydraulic elevators are suitable for smaller buildings with fewer floors. It really depends on the requirements of the building.

Standard commercial elevators can carry between 3,000 to 4,000 pounds or larger, suitable for the majority of commercial applications.

 Depending on its design and purpose, a commercial elevator can hold several pounds, addressing the needs of both passengers, service and freight.

Navigating the Compliance Maze: How The Elevator Consultants Streamline Elevator Inspection Management

In the world of vertical transportation, keeping abreast of the myriad of compliance requirements across various jurisdictions is akin to navigating a complex labyrinth. With hundreds of “Authorities Having Jurisdiction” (AHJ) each setting its own rules and regulations for elevators, escalators, and lifts, the challenge for property managers and building owners is daunting. 

This is where The Elevator Consultants (TEC) step in, transforming the convoluted compliance maze into a streamlined pathway.


At the heart of TEC’s service offering is Inspection Management Services, designed to help clients navigate the murky waters of compliance.


By assuming the role of the Acting Owner-Agent for all Vertical Transportation Inspection Compliance Matters, TEC understands that your elevators, escalators, and lifts must meet the stringent standards set by AHJs to maintain their operating certificates with unparalleled precision. TEC does this for you. 

Simplifying Compliance, One Step at a Time

A. Centralizing Communications

From the outset, TEC takes charge by understanding the current state of your vertical transportation certification operations, working with the location, and contacting the AHJ(s) and service provider(s). This pivotal step ensures that all compliance-related correspondence is directed towards TEC, enabling effective record-keeping and distribution. 

TEC uses the ElevatorApp to assist and provide a beat that is not missed. The goal is clear: to create a single, efficient channel of communication that simplifies the management of compliance documents to pass inspection.

B. Proactive Inspection Management

TEC excels in preemptive measures, notifying all responsible parties of upcoming inspections and guiding them through the coordination process, including pre-inspection requirements.  By providing insights into the elevator inspection process, local jurisdictions, and their unique inspection regulations, TEC empowers property managers, general managers, and others with the knowledge to navigate inspections smoothly.

C. Document Management and Distribution

Upon receipt of inspection reports, notices, and fee invoices, TEC meticulously files, distributes, and tracks all relevant documents in the format the building desires, including using the ElevatorApp if required. 

This comprehensive document management approach ensures that all stakeholders, from general managers, property managers, asset managers, facilities management personnel, and elevator companies, are informed and aligned.

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D. Violation Notice Handling

Compliance is an ongoing journey, marred at times by violation notices. TEC’s vigilant tracking and management system ensures that violations are promptly addressed and corrective actions are taken to meet AHJ codes. This facilitates a seamless path to re-inspection and compliance reinstatement. This step is always avoided, and TEC will take proactive measures to ensure this does not happen again. Inspections are an ongoing process.

E. Certificate Distribution

Elevator certificates are the safety and regulation adherence standard in the compliance ecosystem. TEC not only records and distributes these critical documents but also ensures their visibility and accessibility to site management, reinforcing the commitment to compliance and safety. TEC will assist the property in obtaining their certificate of operation based on the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.

F. Financial Management with Transparency

Understanding the financial implications of compliance, TEC offers a transparent financial management service, handling AHJ fee invoices and streamlining the reimbursement process with a clear, detailed invoice. This approach saves time and provides clarity and accountability in the financial aspects of compliance management.



The journey through the compliance landscape is fraught with potential pitfalls and challenges; staying on top of everything is a complex, detailed process. Yet, navigating this complex terrain becomes manageable and streamlined with The Elevator Consultants as your guide. TEC’s comprehensive elevator inspection management services, from proactive inspection management to meticulous document handling and financial transparency, ensure that your vertical transportation systems are compliant.

In the world of elevators and escalators, compliance is not just a regulatory requirement but a benchmark for many reasons. By partnering with TEC, building owners, and property managers can elevate their compliance strategies, ensuring their vertical transportation systems meet all the authorities’ jurisdiction requirements.

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FAQs: Elevator Compliance Management Services

Elevator Inspection Management Services, provided by The Elevator Consultants (TEC), offer a comprehensive approach to managing all aspects of elevator, escalator, and lift compliance. This includes administrative support for maintaining operating certificates, proactive elevator inspection management, managing compliance matters with Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), coordinating inspections, handling violation notices, and ensuring all vertical transportation units comply with local regulations.

Navigating the regulations and requirements of different AHJs can be complex and time-consuming. An Elevator Inspection Management Service ensures that your vertical transportation systems are compliant with safety and operational standards to pass inspection and will also help avoid potential fines and disruptions by efficiently managing inspections and compliance documentation.

TEC utilizes an AHJ database and leverages vast expertise in the rules and regulations established by these AHJs. This allows them to conduct thorough research and provide up-to-date support to keep vertical transportation units compliant across multiple jurisdictions.

TEC notifies the responsible parties of any deficiencies recorded during an inspection. They then rectify these issues, including following up until corrections are made and coordinating any necessary re-inspection by the site’s AHJ code.

TEC records and distributes elevator certificates/operating permits electronically to site management or directs the property to obtain them if necessary. Original copies are mailed if required by the site’s AHJ for display or upon client request, ensuring that all legal and regulatory requirements for documentation are met.

TEC reconciles, records, and pays invoices for AHJ fees on behalf of their clients. Clients are then invoiced for reimbursement with a single detailed invoice, including a cost plus a small handling charge, providing transparency and efficiency in managing these expenses.

Yes, TEC offers emergency consultation services to address urgent elevator issues swiftly and effectively, ensuring minimal downtime and maintaining compliance even in unexpected situations.

TEC proactively notifies responsible parties, such as property management, of upcoming inspections and any compliance issues. They ensure that all parties are informed and prepared for inspections and that compliance-related communications are promptly addressed.

TEC notifies property managers of upcoming inspections and will then arrange the inspection per the authority having jurisdiction. TEC will contact the inspection authority, coordinate an inspection time and date, and have the building provide any necessary access information.

Partnering with TEC streamlines the compliance management process, ensuring elevators, escalators, and lifts meet inspection requirements without the administrative burden falling solely on building owners or property managers. This partnership enhances the safety, efficiency, and operational excellence of vertical transportation systems as it relates to elevator inspections while also managing compliance’s financial and administrative aspects.

Elevators should be inspected at intervals determined by local regulations and elevator standards, typically ranging from annually to every three years to more frequently. The specific frequency can vary based on the jurisdiction’s elevator inspection requirements.

The Elevator Dilemma: Proprietary vs. Non-Proprietary Elevator Systems for New Construction and Elevator Modernization

Installing Proprietary vs. Non-Proprietary? Building professionals are faced with answering this question when modernizing an elevator just like developers and architects encounter when building a new building.   The debate between proprietary and non-proprietary elevator systems is as pivotal as it is complex. 

For building owners, property managers, and developers facing new construction or modernization projects, understanding the distinctions and implications of each choice is crucial. There are several factors all parties need to evaluate what is best for the building operations, usage, and budget.


Proprietary elevator systems are designed such that all parts, software, and repair tools are exclusive to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM). This exclusivity means that only certified technicians from the OEM with specific access to the proprietary tools and components can perform maintenance or repairs. The allure of proprietary systems often lies in the cost, technology, and installation processes promised by the elevator OEM.



On the flip side, non-proprietary elevator systems are characterized by their openness. Components and software from non-proprietary systems can be serviced, repaired, or replaced by a wide range of technicians, not just those affiliated with the OEM. This universality is highly appealing for several reasons:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Competitive pricing for parts and services can significantly reduce maintenance and repair costs over the elevator’s lifespan. It is however common at times for an OEM to offer a significant savings in installing a proprietary system to capture the years of ongoing maintenance and repairs to come for many years. It is common for developers and architects to install the most cost-effective solution. This becomes a problem after the elevator is turned over to building facilities team. The building operations team is than left with an extremely complex situation including outstanding maintenance cost. This is where elevator consulting services are extremely helpful to address all the intricacies including short term and long-term cost. 
  • Service Flexibility: Building owners have the freedom to choose from a larger pool of service providers, allowing for more competitive bids and services that can be tailored to specific needs. This is key to address upfront as the building really needs to understand the commitment they are making to the OEM when installing a proprietary system, it can be a 10-to-15-year commitment. It is unknown when a system may become non-proprietary. 
  • Accessibility of Parts: Non-proprietary systems often use parts that are widely available, ensuring that replacements and repairs can be carried out promptly, minimizing downtime. An OEM of a proprietary system controls the parts market including the longevity or life of the parts. It is completely up to the OEM if the parts become proprietary.
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When embarking on a new construction project, the choice between proprietary and non-proprietary elevator systems hinges on several factors:

  • Long-term Maintenance Costs vs. Initial Investment: While proprietary systems may offer some benefits and its imperative consider whether the potential higher costs of long-term maintenance align with your budget and operational goals. Architects and developers must work with the team that will be responsible for managing the ongoing preventative maintenance service contract. An elevator consulting firm can go into an depth analysis with all the necessary parties to understand the true cost of ownership.
  • Technology and Performance Needs: Assess the technological and performance requirements of your building. Proprietary systems might offer specialized solutions that are intriguing the building. AN elevator consultant can develop the pros and cons based on the building operations. 
  • Future Flexibility: Think about the long-term implications of being tied to a single provider. Non-proprietary systems offer greater flexibility in maintenance and service choices. This is one of the major factors to consider. In today’s times it is extremely common for an OEM to dictate the future of a proprietary systems many different components.  


Modernizing an existing elevator system presents a unique set of considerations:

  • Compatibility: Evaluate whether upgrading to a proprietary system offers compatibility benefits that significantly outweigh the open nature of non-proprietary alternatives. It is common for an OEM to repair components of an elevator with proprietary components in ensure service. It is important for buildings to understand that an entire elevator modernization does not need to take place for an OEM to install proprietary equipment. It is important that buildings know what is being installed at all times.  An elevator consultant will be able to address this OEM elevator service provider strategy. 
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Modernization is an opportunity to rethink operational costs. A non-proprietary system could offer savings that reinvest in other aspects of building management. An OEM may offer a discount in installation to get their proprietary equipment installed.   
  • Upgrading vs. Overhauling: Determine whether the modernization project is a full overhaul or a series of upgrades. Non-proprietary systems may offer more flexibility for incremental improvements. This allows the building to save cost and protect themselves from unnecessary cost.


The decision between proprietary and non-proprietary systems is not to be taken lightly. It requires a delicate balance between current needs and future considerations. Here are steps to guide the decision-making process:

  • Consult with Experts: Engage with an elevator consultant who have a deep understanding of both proprietary and non-proprietary systems. They know the different needs of buildings specific operational needs. Their unbiased advice can be invaluable.
  • Analyze Total Cost of Ownership: Look beyond the initial installation cost and consider the total cost of ownership, which includes maintenance, repairs, and potential upgrades over the elevator’s lifecycle.
  • Assess Vendor Reliability: Research the manufacturer’s reliability, support services, and market applications. This is crucial for both proprietary and non-proprietary systems, but especially for the proprietary, given the dependency on a single elevator service provider or OEM.

Overall, choosing between proprietary and non-proprietary elevator systems involves a clear market understanding of each option’s benefits and limitations. For new constructions and modernization projects alike, the key lies in prioritizing long-term operational efficiency, cost management, and the flexibility to adapt to future needs. By carefully considering these factors and seeking expert guidance, building owners can make a decision that aligns with their strategic goals, ensuring a smooth and efficient journey for all who ascend and descend within their walls.

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Proprietary systems are designed so that only the original equipment manufacturer can access, maintain, and repair them due to restricted access to parts, tools, and diagnostic software. Non-proprietary systems, on the other hand, are designed with accessibility in mind, allowing any qualified elevator technician to perform elevator maintenance and repairs using widely available parts and tools.

Owners might opt for proprietary systems due to perceived reliability, technology offerings, or cost savings. Original Equipment Manufacturers often promote these systems as offering superior performance and integration capabilities and cost savings.

Non-proprietary systems offer greater flexibility in elevator maintenance and repairs, potentially lower costs over the elevator’s lifespan, and the freedom to choose between multiple elevator service providers, ensuring competitive pricing and service quality.

Proprietary systems often come with higher long-term maintenance and lower modernization costs due to the monopoly on parts and services. The lack of competitive pricing can lead to increased expenses over the elevator’s operational life. There is also the trend to obsolete parts as soon as 3 years.

This depends on the equipment component and the extent of the modernization. It is common that during a full elevator modernization, it’s possible to replace proprietary components with non-proprietary ones, granting building owners more control over maintenance and repair choices. If only a few components are being replaced it gets more complex.  However, this needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with professional elevator consultant consultation.

Consider factors such as the total cost of ownership, flexibility in choosing elevator service providers, compatibility with future upgrades, and the building’s specific needs. Consulting with an independent elevator consultant can provide valuable insights.

Compliance with local safety and building codes is mandatory for both types of elevator systems.

Safety standards apply equally to both systems. However, proprietary systems may use specific technologies for emergency communications and safety features, which could limit servicing options. Ensuring these systems meet or exceed local safety regulations is crucial.

Elevator consultants can assess your building’s specific needs, forecast potential maintenance and upgrade costs, and provide an unbiased recommendation on which system better suits your project’s short-term and long-term goals and budget.

Yes, terms regarding proprietary restrictions can often be negotiated before finalizing a new construction or modernization contract. This might include clauses about parts availability, diagnostic tools, and software access, which can provide more flexibility in the future. It is however best to obtain bids up front for both proprietary and non-proprietary elevator systems.

The choice can significantly impact a building’s appeal. Non-proprietary systems may be more attractive to prospective buyers or tenants due to the perceived ease of maintenance and potential cost savings, whereas proprietary systems may appeal for the OEM reputation.

Elevator Modernization: A Comprehensive Guide

As buildings age, so do their elevators, bringing to the fore the critical concept of elevator modernization. Elevators play a pivotal role in all buildings, ensuring seamless vertical transportation. The essence of an elevator modernization emerges as a critical endeavor for enhancing the functionality, safety, and potential aesthetics of these vertical transportation systems. This guide delves into the modernizing building elevators, spotlighting the significance of this process for building owners and managers.



Elevator modernization encapsulates the process of upgrading essential mechanical systems, controls, and safety features of an elevator to align with contemporary standards. It may also encompass aesthetics of the interior if budgets allow. This vertical transportation modernization is crucial for improving efficiency, ensuring compliance with the latest safety regulations, and significantly enhancing the user experience. An elevator modernization starts a new life cycle of elevators and plays a vital role in maintaining the building’s competitiveness and value.


Elevator modernization involves updating the critical mechanical components of an elevator system to improve its efficiency, safety, and performance. The core of modernization lies in updating the existing elevator system, making them more reliable, enhancing performance and aligning them with current technological and safety standards. The proper elevator system must be installed to ensure the desired life cycle of 10 years to 25 years or more is captured. A building must follow a best practice methodology to ensure all appropriate components are reused, recycled, refurbished or replaced.

Navigating ADA Compliance for Elevators_ Essential Steps and Resources

An elevator modernization brings numerous benefits:

Improved Efficiency and Performance

Modernized elevators operate more smoothly, with less waiting time and breakdowns if the correct application is installed.

Enhanced Safety and Accessibility

Upgrades often include the latest safety features and accessibility options, ensuring compliance with ADA and other regulations.

Increased Energy Savings

New technologies make elevators more energy-efficient, significantly reducing operational costs.

Updated cabs and User Experience

Updating the interior and systems improves the aesthetic appeal and user experience, contributing to the building’s overall value.


Installing a new elevator system usually comes with less issues allowing a positive user experience.  

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The landscape of elevator technology is continually evolving, with advancements aimed at improving every aspect of elevator operation:

  • Destination Dispatch Systems: Enhance efficiency by grouping passengers going to the same destination. Some buildings benefit from this application. 
  • Regenerative Drives: Recapture energy during braking, reducing overall energy consumption.
  • Advanced Door Systems: Include safety features to prevent accidents and ensure smooth operation.
  • Touchless Controls and In-elevator Entertainment: Elevate the user experience, making journeys more enjoyable and hygienic.



A successful elevator modernization project follows a structured process:

  • Initial Consultation: Engaging with an elevator consultant who has a clear understanding of the buildings operations to assess needs. It is common for buildings to engage an elevator service provider directly for a consultation which is another option as long as the building has the elevator industry expertise in house. 
  • Project Assessment: Conducting a thorough evaluation to determine the best course of action for the building to engage in aa n elevator modernization based on budget, operational needs and code requirements.
  • Solution Selection: Choosing modernization solutions tailored to the building’s requirements which includes all mechanisms of an elevator modernization so avoid all change orders.
  • Permitting and Approvals: Navigating the legal landscape to obtain necessary permissions and approving all submittals are critical to make sure all work is entailed.
  • Construction and Installation: Executing the modernization plan with minimal disruption and within budget is critical for a successful project.
  • Inspection, Testing and Punchout: Ensuring the updated systems meet all operational and safety standards, all manuals are onsite, training has taken place and specification was followed.

Planning an elevator modernization project requires careful consideration of several key factors:

  • Age and condition of the current system.
  • Compliance with the latest building codes and safety standards.
  • Available budget and financing options.
  • Parts availability.
  • Choosing a contractor with the requisite expertise and track record.
  • Planning for potential downtime and its impact on building operations.

These factors must be evaluated to determine if it is time to complete an elevator modernization at the building. Assigning a value of importance to these factors can provided a guideline to determine if a modernization is needed. A elevator consultant can also assist in this process. 


Elevator modernization consultants play a pivotal role. They are indispensable allies in the modernization process, offering expertise in evaluating vertical transportation systems and recommending the most effective solutions. These professionals provide comprehensive project management, ensuring that every aspect of the elevator modernization project aligns with safety standards and operational goals.


The Future of Elevators

Looking ahead, elevator technology is set to become even more integrated with maintenance, predictive maintenance, and sustainability amongst others. Innovations like biometric access and AI-driven operation may redefine future elevator experience, making it more personalized, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

Elevator modernization stands as a strategic investment in the future of vertical transportation, offering substantial benefits for building owners, tenants, and the environment. Through careful planning, collaboration with experienced elevator modernization consultants, and leveraging the latest elevator modernization solutions, stakeholders can ensure their elevators meet and exceed standards of performance and safety. 

This guide serves as a roadmap for navigating the complexities of elevator modernization, highlighting the enduring value of upgrading these essential systems for the betterment of buildings and their occupants.

Elevator modernization is an essential investment for the future, enhancing the value, safety, and performance of buildings. By embracing modernization, building owners and managers can ensure their properties meet the highest standards of efficiency, accessibility, and user satisfaction, all while contributing positively to the environment.

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Easy Elevator Management: ElevatorApp™

Easy Elevator Management_ ElevatorApp™

In the rapidly evolving landscape of vertical transportation, where buildings are reaching new heights and demands for efficiency and safety are paramount, traditional elevator management has faced its fair share of challenges. From unexpected costs to compliance hurdles and service provider issues, the journey through elevator maintenance has often been fraught with uncertainties and frustrations.

However, amidst these challenges, a beacon of innovation has emerged – introducing ElevatorApp™, a groundbreaking elevator monitoring software that promises to revolutionize how we manage elevators.

Gone are the days of being in the dark about your building’s elevator maintenance. ElevatorApp™ empowers building owners and property managers with real-time updates and comprehensive tools, firmly restoring control to their hands. Say goodbye to costly repairs and hello to efficiency and safety, as ElevatorApp™ equips you with the information needed to manage your elevator systems proactively.

So, What Sets ElevatorApp™ Apart?

Real-Time Updates and Control: ElevatorApp™ provides real-time updates and tools, allowing you to stay informed and take charge of your elevator management. No more surprises – just complete control at your fingertips.

  • Comprehensive Platform: Our platform offers the information needed to ensure compliance, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. From maintenance control program (MCP) information to service and callback data, ElevatorApp™ has you covered.
  • Complete Visibility: With ElevatorApp™, transparency is key. Gain full visibility into your elevator service provider’s onsite work, with services logged in real-time and stored securely in the software’s database.
  • Data Protection and Accessibility: Your data is our priority. ElevatorApp™ ensures that your information is protected and remotely accessible, allowing you to process it through numerous filters at your discretion.
  • Industry Compliance: Rest assured that ElevatorApp™ follows all industry best practices to comply with the ASME A17.1 maintenance control program. With state-of-the-art software, we prioritize reliability and adherence to standards.

Ready to take control of your elevator management? Download the free ElevatorApp™ today and experience the future of vertical transportation wherever you are. Elevate your building’s potential with ElevatorApp™ – because the future is now regarding elevator management.

Additional Resources

For those seeking to delve deeper into the world of elevator modernization, the following resources offer a wealth of information:

This comprehensive guide underscores the importance of modernizing elevators, not just as a regulatory compliance or maintenance task, but as a strategic enhancement to the built environment, promising a safer, more efficient future for vertical transportation.

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Modernization of elevators involves the comprehensive upgrading of the elevator’s mechanical systems, control mechanisms, and safety features to meet current standards and expectations.

There are several technologies being introduced in the elevator industry. Machine room Less (MRL)  have been in the market for awhile however people are learning about them. Modular Elevators come up in some applications. There always new door systems, microprocessors, in elevator entertainment and others, introduced seems like weekly.

The duration of an elevator modernization project can vary widely depending on the complexity of the upgrades, the current conditions, and the specific goals of the modernization. Simple upgrades may take a few weeks, while comprehensive modernizations involving significant system overhauls can last several months. Planning for downtime and ensuring minimal disruption to building operations is a critical part of the project timeline.

All buildings have different operation needs and pending the current situation dictates the importance of an elevator modernization. They maybe issues like:

Safety and Compliance; Efficiency and Performance; Reliability, and sometimes just Aesthetics 

ADA Elevator Requirements for Existing Buildings

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a cornerstone in the quest for equal access, ensuring that buildings and services are accessible to everyone. Central to this mission is the focus on elevators in existing buildings, critical components that bridge the gap. The importance of ADA-compliant elevators transcends mere functionality; it embodies the commitment to a more accessible world.

Applicability of ADA Elevator Requirements

Applicability of ADA Elevator Requirements

Under ADA regulations, existing buildings are defined as structures erected before the enforcement of these standards. The mandate for installing elevators is contingent upon specific criteria, such as the building’s number of stories and the total square footage per floor. While historical buildings and instances of undue hardship may warrant exceptions, the overarching goal is clear: to weave accessibility into the fabric of every structure.

Key ADA Elevator Requirements for Existing Buildings

Minimum Elevator Size and Capacity: ADA standards dictate that elevator doors must be at least 36 inches wide, with a car depth of no less than 51 inches and a width of 68 inches minimum, ensuring ample maneuvering space for wheelchairs. This information varies per usage.

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Key ADA Elevator Requirements for Existing Buildings

Door Operation and Signaling

Elevators must feature automatic doors with a minimum hold time of 3 seconds, equipped with reopening sensors. Moreover, audible and visual signals for door operations and floor arrivals are mandatory, enhancing the usability for individuals with sensory impairments.

Control Panel Accessibility

The accessibility of control panels is non-negotiable, with button heights capped at 42 inches from the floor and a minimum button size of 0.75 inches in diameter. Raised or Braille lettering for floor designations, alongside visual and audible call button indicators, is essential for ensuring that elevator controls are within everyone’s reach.

It is always imperative that the application is being developed for the correct usage of the elevators i.e. hospitals, call centers, hospitality, etc. all have similar applications yet may require different size elevators and components. 

Additional Considerations for Existing Buildings

Accessibility Retrofitting Standards

Incorporating elevators into existing structures demands a thoughtful approach that minimizes disruption. The financial aspect, plays a crucial role in planning and execution.

Elevator Safety Codes (ASME A17.1)

Aligning with elevator safety standards is paramount. This section would delve into the necessity of complying with the ASME A17.1 standards, ensuring that elevators not only meet accessibility requirements but are also safe and reliable.

Read more related article:

Elevator Standards: Codes And Standards All Buildings Should Know

Why Building Owners Need To Know About ASME A17

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Navigating ADA Compliance for Elevators: Essential Steps and Resources

To embark on the journey of ensuring ADA compliance for elevators in existing buildings, a wealth of resources and steps are available to guide you through. Leveraging these resources effectively can make the modernization process smoother and more efficient. Ensuring your building’s elevators are ADA-compliant is a crucial step towards making your space accessible to all. Here’s how you can start this important process, complete with resources and actionable steps:

Navigating ADA Compliance for Elevators_ Essential Steps and Resources

1. Consult the ADA Standards for Accessible Design

The United States Access Board provides a comprehensive guide to the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. This guide (https://www.access-board.gov/) provides comprehensive guidelines and resources on ADA standards, including detailed specifications for elevator compliance. This site is an invaluable tool for understanding legal requirements and best practices.

2. Professional Assessment

Engage with a professional elevator consultants or ADA compliance specialists who can provide an in-depth analysis of your current elevator system and recommend necessary upgrades or modifications.

3. Find Qualified Elevator Contractors

The National Association of Elevator Contractors (NAEC) (https://www.naec.org/) offer directories of professionals who specialize in compliant elevator solutions

4. Contact a Building Accessibility Specialist, if necessary

ADA National Network provides information, guidance, and access to professionals who can assist with making your building fully accessible.

5. Stay Informed About Safety Codes

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) sets safety standards for elevators. ASME A17.1 is the relevant safety code for elevators and escalators.

6. Plan for Long-Term Compliance and Maintenance

Develop a plan for regular maintenance and periodic reviews of your elevator system to ensure ongoing ADA compliance and safety. Consider establishing a service contract with a trusted elevator maintenance provider.

By following these steps and utilizing the resources provided, you can navigate the process of making your elevators ADA-compliant, enhancing accessibility, and ensuring your building is welcoming to everyone.

Ensuring that elevators in existing buildings comply with ADA standards is not merely a regulatory requirement but a moral imperative that reflects our commitment to inclusivity and equality. While the process involves navigating complex regulations, understanding specific building needs, and making the necessary modifications, the end goal of creating accessible spaces for all individuals is undeniably worthwhile. By leveraging the available resources and taking the recommended steps, building owners and managers can upgrade their elevators to meet ADA requirements, thus contributing to a more inclusive society.

This endeavor, while undoubtedly challenging, represents a significant investment in the building’s value, safety, and accessibility. As we move forward, it’s essential to remember that accessibility improvements benefit everyone by creating more usable and welcoming environments. By prioritizing ADA compliance in elevators, we take a crucial step towards ensuring that every individual, regardless of ability, has equal access to and enjoyment of the built environment around them.

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Elevators are pivotal in ensuring the smooth operation of commercial properties. For commercial real estate investors and owners, efficient elevator management is key to minimizing operational costs and enhancing property value. Some strategies can be explored to save on elevator-related expenses, focusing on preventive maintenance, modernization, technological solutions, and stakeholder information. 

Implementing these strategies can significantly reduce costs and time spent managing elevators, making them a strategic asset rather than a financial burden. All buildings have their unique elevator system based on their building usage. Whether a Class A, Class B, hotel, call center, mall, hospital, or whatever commercial application, all buildings operate differently. 

These strategies can be aligned to meet the many diverse applications and tailored to solve the elevator issues at the forefront. A property can adopt these strategies to assist with their elevators and escalators. 


Emphasizing preventive maintenance is crucial for cost-effective elevator management, addressing minor issues before they escalate into costly repairs.


Routine Checks and Servicing

  • Scheduled Maintenance: Implementing a consistent maintenance schedule tailored to the elevator’s usage and manufacturer recommendations can prevent major breakdowns and ensure compliance, reducing the need for expensive emergency repairs.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: By focusing on routine checks, property owners can lower the overall maintenance costs, extend the elevator’s operational lifespan, and avoid other unnecessary issues. 
  • Safety and Regulatory Compliance: Consistent maintenance ensures elevators meet safety standards, avoiding fines and legal complications.

Read more related articles:

  1. How Regular Maintenance Can Prolong The Lifespan Of Elevators
  2. A Maintenance Control Program

Poor Elevator Maintenance And Service Are Bleeding Hotel Building Budgets


Upgrading elevator systems can bring long-term benefits such as cost savings and increased efficiency, making it a strategic investment for property owners.


1. Efficiency and Cost Savings

Elevator modernization is a gateway to energy-efficient features that can significantly reduce operational costs. These upgrades, from intelligent lighting systems to energy-conserving motors, can reduce electricity bills, and leading to substantial financial savings for property owners. Moreover, these energy-efficient features contribute to a more sustainable building, aligning with the growing demand for eco-friendly properties.

2. Reliability and Tenant Satisfaction

A modernized elevator system, coupled with diligent maintenance, enhances reliability and tenant satisfaction. Property managers can ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for occupants by minimizing downtime and breakdowns, fostering a positive reputation, and reducing the volume of maintenance calls.

3. Minimized Malfunctions

Upgraded elevator systems boast advanced technologies and components that are less prone to malfunctions. Property owners can avoid costly disruptions to building operations and tenant activities by mitigating the risk of unexpected breakdowns.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Strict regulations govern elevator safety and performance. Elevator modernization is a proactive step toward ensuring compliance with these standards. By keeping up with regulatory requirements, property owners can demonstrate their commitment to safety and operational integrity, which is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation and attracting tenants.

5. Property Value Enhancement

Beyond operational efficiency, modernized elevators contribute to a property’s overall appeal and market value. Potential tenants and investors are increasingly drawn to buildings with state-of-the-art amenities, including efficient and reliable elevator systems. Consequently, elevator modernization represents a is a is is a practical investment and a strategic move to enhance property attractiveness and competitiveness in the real estate market.


  • Transparency and Oversight: Service monitoring software tracks maintenance activities and service compliance, ensuring cost-efficiency.
  • Predictive Maintenance Insights: Data analytics can predict potential issues, facilitating timely and less costly interventions.
  • Streamlined Administrative Processes: Elevator service monitoring software reduces administrative burdens, saving overall cost and time.

Easy Elevator Management: ElevatorApp™


In the rapidly evolving landscape of vertical transportation, where buildings are reaching new heights and demands for efficiency and safety are paramount, traditional elevator management has faced its fair share of challenges. From unexpected costs to compliance hurdles and service provider issues, the journey through elevator maintenance has often been fraught with uncertainties and frustrations.

However, amidst these challenges, a beacon of innovation has emerged – introducing ElevatorApp™, a groundbreaking elevator monitoring software that promises to revolutionize how we manage elevators.

Gone are the days of being in the dark about your building’s elevator maintenance. ElevatorApp™ empowers building owners and property managers with real-time updates and comprehensive tools, firmly restoring control to their hands. Say goodbye to costly repairs and hello to efficiency and safety, as ElevatorApp™ equips you with the information needed to manage your elevator systems proactively.

So, What Sets ElevatorApp™ Apart?

Real-Time Updates and Control: ElevatorApp™ provides real-time updates and tools, allowing you to stay informed and take charge of your elevator management. No more surprises – just complete control at your fingertips.

  • Comprehensive Platform: Our platform offers the information needed to ensure compliance, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. From maintenance control program (MCP) information to service and callback data, ElevatorApp™ has you covered.
  • Complete Visibility: With ElevatorApp™, transparency is key. Gain full visibility into your elevator service provider’s onsite work, with services logged in real-time and stored securely in the software’s database.
  • Data Protection and Accessibility: Your data is our priority. ElevatorApp™ ensures that your information is protected and remotely accessible, allowing you to process it through numerous filters at your discretion.
  • Industry Compliance: Rest assured that ElevatorApp™ follows all industry best practices to comply with the ASME A17.1 maintenance control program. With state-of-the-art software, we prioritize reliability and adherence to standards.

Ready to take control of your elevator management? Download the free ElevatorApp™ today and experience the future of vertical transportation wherever you are. Elevate your building’s potential with ElevatorApp™ – because the future is now regarding elevator management.


Educational initiatives regarding proper elevator use can significantly prolong system lifespan and enhance reliability.

Promoting Proper Use and Care

  • Instructional Guidelines: Posting elevator procedures for staff and guidelines on elevator capacity and proper usage can mitigate unnecessary damage.
  • Maintenance Skill Development: Training staff on basic elevator industry may reduce reliance on external service providers for minor issues like debris in the sill.


Effective elevator management encompasses a comprehensive approach that combines maintenance, upgrades, modernization, technological adoption, and education. Commercial real estate investors can achieve significant cost and time savings by strategically implementing these components. 

Elevators, thus, become a valuable asset that contributes to the property’s operational efficiency, safety, and appeal, enhancing its long-term success in the competitive real estate market. 

Elevator management should be considered an integral part of overall property management, requiring attention, investment, and strategic planning to achieve optimal results with less cost and time spent on elevators.

FAQ - About The Topic Title

Preventive maintenance extends elevator lifespan, ensures safety, and complies with regulations, avoiding unnecessary costs and legal issues.

It is the building’s owner’s responsibility that maintenance is completed by a qualified elevator service company.

A modernization is preferred if the budget is available if not, proper preventative maintenance may allow for prolonging the life cycle.

Yes, the initial investment in modernization can be offset by reduced energy costs, lower maintenance expenses, costly repairs, unnecessary downtime and increased property value, making it a financially sound decision. This all depends on the type, usage and reliability of the current elevator system.

Technological solutions like elevator service monitoring software optimize maintenance efficiency, ensure service quality, and provide valuable insights for decision-making.

Educating tenants and staff on proper elevator usage and basic maintenance knowledge can prevent damage, reduce service calls, and extend the elevator system’s lifespan.

There are numerous ways to educate staff on elevators and the elevator industry.  The Elevator Consultants holds monthly webinars and training on elevators and escalators.  There are also blogs written on the elevator industry and there are always initial consultants offered.


Hospitals and medical facilities face distinct challenges in managing elevators and escalators, which are crucial for hospital operations and medical office buildings. Given the fragmented nature of hospital operations across multiple locations, including primary and remote medical office buildings, maintaining seamless elevator and escalator operations becomes challenging with locations, year of installation, usage, equipment type, and more. 

Building engineers often need to be made aware of maintenance schedules or even the operational status of these critical elevator systems. This lack of communication and oversight can lead to unplanned downtime, affecting the hospital system. 

Hospitals face several standard elevator and escalator issues, and they can take strategic measures to overcome these challenges by emphasizing the need for improved management, coordination, and technological integration.


The operation of elevators and escalators in hospitals involves unique challenges that can impact the facility’s overall functionality.


Identifying Key Challenges

  • Unscheduled Downtime: Elevators and escalators are vital in hospitals for staff and patient mobility and emergency responses, such as surgery. Unscheduled downtime, slow elevators, and problem elevators can severely disrupt operations and delay care.
  • Inconsistent Maintenance Services: The vastness of hospital complexes, coupled with multiple external elevator service providers, can lead to inconsistent maintenance and service quality, risking staff, visitors, patient safety, and system reliability.
  • Communication Gaps: The sprawling nature of hospital operations often results in a communication gap. Building engineers may need to be promptly informed about elevator malfunctions or maintenance schedules, complicating issue resolution and system management.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Hospitals must adhere to stringent health and safety regulations, including those specific to elevator and escalator operations. Ensuring compliance across all facilities adds another layer of complexity to their management. There is the Joint Commission, Department of Public Health, and all the elevator code requirements, including the authority having jurisdiction requirements.


Tackling these issues demands a comprehensive approach that enhances operational coordination, integrates advanced technologies, and adopts a proactive maintenance stance.

  • Enhancing Communication and Coordination: Implementing structured technology communication channels and maintenance coordination mechanisms is crucial for synchronized operations across hospital facilities.
  • Elevator Maintenance Database: Develop a system to oversee and coordinate maintenance activities, ensuring service quality and scheduling uniformity across all locations. This central hub can facilitate better planning, execution, and tracking of maintenance tasks. Since elevators are mission-critical, this system must be real-time with alerts. 
  • Real-Time Notification Systems: Introduce technology solutions that immediately notify relevant personnel about operational issues or maintenance needs. These systems ensure swift action, minimizing the impact on hospital operations and patient care along with an elevator data hub.

Leveraging Technology For Improved Oversight

Adopting technology can significantly enhance the efficiency and reliability of hospital elevator and escalator operations.

  • Advanced Elevator Service Monitoring Systems: Utilize sophisticated elevator and escalator monitoring software to gain real-time insights into system performance and maintenance needs. This visibility allows for better management decisions and proactive issue resolution.
  • Data Analytics for Predictive Maintenance: Employ analytics tools to analyze operational data, predict potential failures, and schedule preventive maintenance. This approach helps avoid unexpected breakdowns and extends the lifespan of the systems.

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Implementing Proactive Maintenance and Safety Measures

A proactive maintenance strategy, focused on regular checks and compliance audits, is essential for maintaining elevator and escalator safety and reliability.

  • Regular Preventive Maintenance: Establish a routine preventive maintenance schedule that addresses potential issues before they escalate into major problems. Regular checks ensure the systems operate smoothly and comply with safety standards. These elevator and escalator schedules must be adhered to and monitored to ensure they are being completed. 
  • Safety and Compliance Audits: Conduct periodic spot-check audits to assess system safety and regulatory compliance. These audits help identify areas for improvement and ensure that elevator and escalator operations meet all required health and safety protocols. Technology can offer immediate notification of several safety violations in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Easy Elevator Management: ElevatorApp™

Easy Elevator Management_ ElevatorApp™

In the rapidly evolving landscape of vertical transportation, where buildings are reaching new heights and demands for efficiency and safety are paramount, traditional elevator management has faced its fair share of challenges. From unexpected costs to compliance hurdles and service provider issues, the journey through elevator maintenance has often been fraught with uncertainties and frustrations.

However, amidst these challenges, a beacon of innovation has emerged – introducing ElevatorApp™, a groundbreaking elevator monitoring software that promises to revolutionize how we manage elevators.

Gone are the days of being in the dark about your building’s elevator maintenance. ElevatorApp™ empowers building owners and property managers with real-time updates and comprehensive tools, firmly restoring control to their hands. Say goodbye to costly repairs and hello to efficiency and safety, as ElevatorApp™ equips you with the information needed to manage your elevator systems proactively.

So, What Sets ElevatorApp™ Apart?

Real-Time Updates and Control: ElevatorApp™ provides real-time updates and tools, allowing you to stay informed and take charge of your elevator management. No more surprises – just complete control at your fingertips.

  • Comprehensive Platform: Our platform offers the information needed to ensure compliance, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. From maintenance control program (MCP) information to service and callback data, ElevatorApp™ has you covered.
  • Complete Visibility: With ElevatorApp™, transparency is key. Gain full visibility into your elevator service provider’s onsite work, with services logged in real-time and stored securely in the software’s database.
  • Data Protection and Accessibility: Your data is our priority. ElevatorApp™ ensures that your information is protected and remotely accessible, allowing you to process it through numerous filters at your discretion.
  • Industry Compliance: Rest assured that ElevatorApp™ follows all industry best practices to comply with the ASME A17.1 maintenance control program. With state-of-the-art software, we prioritize reliability and adherence to standards.

Ready to take control of your elevator management? Download the free ElevatorApp™ today and experience the future of vertical transportation wherever you are. Elevate your building’s potential with ElevatorApp™ – because the future is now regarding elevator management.


The fragmented nature of hospital operations poses specific challenges in managing elevators and escalators across multiple sites.

Streamlining Multi-Site Management

  • Unified Service Provider Contracts: Where possible, negotiate contracts with elevator service providers that cover all hospital locations. This unified approach can lead to better service terms, easier management, and consistency in maintenance quality.
  • Cross-Site Communication Platforms: Implement communication platforms connecting building engineers and maintenance teams across hospital sites. These platforms can facilitate sharing information, best practices, and alerts, fostering a cohesive operational strategy.
  • Training and Empowerment: Train staff and engineers in essential elevator and escalator systems. Empowering local teams to know the nuances of the elevator industry gives staff the information needed to protect the hospital system.


Efficiently managing elevators and escalators in hospitals’ complex environments requires strategic planning, coordination, and technological integration. Hospitals can overcome the inherent challenges of their fragmented operations by adopting management practices, leveraging advanced service monitoring tools, and ensuring proactive maintenance. 

Such measures ensure the reliability and safety of these critical systems and support the hospital’s mission to provide uninterrupted, high-quality patient care.

CTA Button with Hover Effect

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Effective management of elevator downtimes in hospitals involves implementing advanced elevator monitoring systems with real time alerts, establishing rapid response protocols, and maintaining clear communication channels to minimize impact on hospital operations and patient care. Implementing strategies across the hospital system is not easy but once implemented with all the stakeholders gives to a successful elevator management program.

A central and joint team coordination plays a crucial role in ensuring consistency in maintenance practices, facilitating effective communication, and streamlining management efforts across multiple hospital sites, leading to improved system reliability and operational efficiency while saving cost.

Technology enhances safety by enabling real-time service monitoring, predictive maintenance, and instant communication, ensuring that elevator and escalator systems operate reliably and in compliance with safety standards, thereby safeguarding patients and hospital staff.

Implementing an elevator management system entails all stakeholders to address all the elevator and escalator issues then develop a plan for each unit. The process takes implementing a strategy for each location tailored to the building’s needs including budget, equipment, usage and life cycle.

The return on a hospital elevator management system can be as soon as immediate to a few months. A program is developed based on the condition of the elevators and escalators, stakeholder input, current service, to name of few items.

Why You Should Consult an Elevator Expert Before Repairs

As the owner or manager of a building with elevators, one of your top priorities is keeping your elevators running efficiently, safely and reliably. But when problems arise, many owners simply call their elevator service provider right away to fix the issue. While this may seem like the fastest solution, there are usually additional measures that need to be taken. Here’s why it pays to contact an independent elevator consultant.

Get an Unbiased Second Opinion

Elevator manufacturers and repair companies have an inherent bias – they make money by selling equipment and services. An elevator consultant has no financial stake and can provide an objective, expert opinion on the best solution for your unique situation. Their insights help ensure you don’t overpay or invest in the wrong repairs.

Evaluate All Options

A good consultant will thoroughly assess the elevator’s condition and usage. Then they explore all options your operation may need.

Enjoy Long-Term Cost Savings

Band-aid repairs often lead to ongoing issues, whereas a consultant helps you implement the right long-term solution. This prevents frequent outages, improves safety, and ultimately saves substantial costs over years of further operation. The consultant’s fee is a wise investment.

Access Specialized Expertise

Elevator consultants are experts in codes, equipment, maintenance, and the elevator industry. They have insights beyond repair companies’ scope of understanding. Tapping into their expertise gives you a tremendous advantage in planning the strategy.

Prevent Future Problems

There’s usually an underlying reason for an elevator breakdown. Consultants do root cause analysis rather than just addressing surface symptoms. They can identify numerous elevator issues like improper service and recommend changes to prevent problems from recurring.

Providing safe, reliable vertical transportation is critical for your tenants and building visitors. Don’t leave it to chance – contact an expert elevator consultant first. Their guidance delivers substantial ROI and peace of mind that you’re making informed decisions. Your occupants will thank you for a smooth elevator experience.

Elevator Consulting for Government Agencies: Navigating Accountability and Efficiency

In the realm of government building management, overseeing elevator systems presents a unique set of challenges, intensified by the need for strict compliance and fiscal responsibility. Commonly, government agencies rely on elevator service providers for both maintenance and inspections, a situation that can be likened to “letting the fox watch the henhouse.” This article delves into the shortcomings of such a practice and underscores the value of independent elevator consulting and inspection services, classified under SIC Code 8748 and NAICS Codes 541618 and 541350.

The Drawbacks of Provider-Led Inspections

The practice of entrusting elevator service providers with the task of inspecting the very systems they maintain poses significant conflict of interest risks. This arrangement often results in overlooked maintenance issues, subjective assessments, and, potentially, a rise in long-term costs due to unresolved or inaccurately identified problems. The impartiality of inspections and the actual condition of the elevators can be compromised, leading to safety concerns and inefficiencies.

An Independent Professional Elevator Consulting: A Path to Transparency

Turning to an elevator consulting firms, categorized under SIC Code 8748 (Business Consulting Services, NEC) and NAICS Code 541618 (Other Management Consulting Services), offers a clear solution. These firms provide an unbiased, expert perspective, crucial for objective evaluations and advice. This approach ensures that government buildings’ elevator systems are assessed and maintained based on actual conditions, free from the biases inherent in provider-led models.

The Advantages of Third-Party Inspection Services

Third-party inspections, falling under NAICS Code 541350 (Building Inspection Services), bring a multitude of benefits:

  • Objective and Unbiased Evaluations: Independent inspectors ensure a fair and accurate assessment, highlighting issues that may be overlooked by service providers.
  • Enhanced Cost-Effectiveness: Accurate identification of maintenance needs helps avoid unnecessary and costly repairs often suggested by service providers.
  • Safety and Compliance Assurance: Independent elevator consultants prioritize compliance with safety standards, thereby reducing the risk of accidents and enhancing the reliability of elevator systems.

Real-World Examples: Improving Government Efficiency

Real-world cases highlight the impact of independent consulting. A government facility, previously relying on provider-led inspections, switched to an independent firm. The new consultants identified critical maintenance issues, leading to repairs that significantly improved the elevators’ safety and reliability. In another example, a comprehensive audit by independent consultants for a government agency revealed substantial cost-saving opportunities in their elevator service contracts. These strategic changes resulted in enhanced service quality and considerable financial savings.

Strategic Steps for Government Agencies

To optimize elevator management, government agencies should consider:

  • Engaging Independent Consultants: Connect with firms classified under the relevant SIC and NAICS codes for impartial consulting and inspection services.
  • Conducting Regular Audits: Periodic audits of elevator systems and maintenance contracts can ensure continued efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Staff Training and Awareness: Educate government staff on basic elevator system knowledge to facilitate informed decision-making and effective management.

Embracing a Proactive Approach

A proactive stance in managing elevator systems can have far-reaching benefits for government buildings. By adopting a structured approach to maintenance and inspections through independent consultants, agencies can achieve a higher level of operational efficiency, safety, and fiscal prudence. This not only aligns with the public sector’s accountability standards but also ensures the longevity and reliability of these critical building systems.

For government agencies, embracing independent elevator consulting and inspection services, as categorized under SIC Code 8748, NAICS Code 541618, and NAICS Code 541350, is a step towards enhanced accountability, safety, and fiscal efficiency. It’s a strategic shift from reactive to proactive building management. Elevate the standard of your elevator systems by reaching out to qualified, independent consultants who can provide the expertise and unbiased oversight needed for optimal performance and compliance.

Elevator ADA Requirements

Many people have heard about the horrifying story of the woman who died in an elevator in the Chinese city of Xi’an. What makes it even more disturbing; however, is the fact that the woman had been in the elevator for over a month before being found. The elevator mechanics had cut off power to the elevator without properly assessing whether or not anyone was inside. Unfortunately, the country “has poor records on workplace safety where proper safety procedures and practices are routinely ignored,” according to the AP. This terrible incident begs the question of whether or not this woman’s death could have been avoided if code was enforced more strictly by the Chinese government. Moreover, there are no laws in place in China that resemble the Americans with Disabilities Ac t (ADA) that we have here in America. Elevator ADA code requires that there be a telephone in each elevator car that relays to a 24 hour answering service. Had this code been in place, the woman would have been able to call to the answering service and they would have been able to get her out immediately. Elevator ADA requirements also state that any failure to take prompt action to effect repairs to an elevator could constitute a violation of Federal laws.  If these elevator ADA codes had been implemented, the elevator would not have been shut down for thirty days for risk of violating ADA elevator requirements and the woman would have been found and promptly removed from the elevator cab. This situation highlights the importance of elevators being code compliant, in terms of ASME A17.1, CSA B44, ADA, and any Authority Having Jurisdiction. America is much more diligent than many other countries in terms of code compliance, but is not immune to tragic events.