
The elevator industry is constantly changing, and new technology is leading the way. Elevator companies are always creating new equipment engineering methods and updated design. In such a fast-paced industry, it is difficult to keep up with these constant innovations. Fortunately, The Elevator Consultants provide cutting-edge technology solutions as part of their overall service.

We have technology-based products that provide a clear picture of your building’s equipment and total transparency regarding services performed on your elevator system. This allows you to hold the elevator service provider completely accountable to the service agreement’s terms and conditions.

Our state-of-the-art ElevatorApp is a proprietary software offered by The Elevator Consultants. The ElevatorApp is a cost-saving tool, protects your critical assets, and improves your building’s safety. It does this by automating and monitoring elevator maintenance services, safety code requirements, inspections, testing, and various other charges associated with your elevators. Tracking and alerts can be customized for your specific building, which allows you to easily view critical information and, ultimately, save time and money.