Should We Modernize ?

An elevator modernization for a building can be a questionable event not to mention a huge financial commitment. There are numerous reason to modernization however it in not always clear if the building needs to modernize. The buildings elevator service provider may say you need to do an elevator modernize, the equipment is not running well, parts are limited or not available, the equipment is constantly being repaired, and many more. These are just a few concerns and knowing that there are several other variables that go into deciding if an elevator modernization is needed are not always clear. In most cases the building does not have experience with the equipment in the building like the elevator life cycle, elevator reliability, elevator controllers, elevator machines, therefore working with an elevator consultant when completing and elevator modernization is always beneficial. An elevator consultant and give you all the data you need to complete an elevator modernization within budget, on time and selecting equipment right for the building. The significant cost to complete an elevator modernization can be one of the largest capital expenditures for a building and ensuring it is done right to protect the buildings investment and safety is crucial. The cost of a consultant is minimal and the fees are negligible with all the cost saving benefits. Feel free to use the questionnaire “Should We modernize?” if you are thinking about an elevator modernization.

Modernization Questionnare

Select Equipment Type
Hydraulic Elevator
Traction Elevator
I Don’t Know

Select Building Usage
Call Center

Select Building Class
Class A
Class B
Class C
I Don’t Know

Select One
Less than 10 Years
11 – 15 Years
16 – 20 Years
21 – 25 Years
26 – 30 Years
Greater than 30 Years

Select One
I Don’t Know

Elevator company recommended modernization

Equipment parts are not available

Equipment needs new code updates

Problems with the equipment

Equipment is outdated

Elevator company cannot maintain the equipment



Equipment is proprietary

Equipment had an insurance issue, fire, flood etc.

Energy Savings

No Reason