Checklist for Building Owners and Property Managers: Ensuring Elevator Efficiency in Challenging Economic Times

In today’s world, building owners and property managers face unprecedented financial and labor challenges. The reliability and safety of elevators can be compromised due to inadequate service and maintenance. This issue has reached epidemic levels, with many buildings paying for elevator services that are either subpar or not provided at all. The consequences are severe: unexpected high repair costs, premature modernization, and even the risk of non-compliance with safety regulations.

Elevator Efficiency Checklist for Building Owners & Property Managers

To help you navigate these challenges, here is a checklist that can serve as your go-to guide for maintaining elevator efficiency and safety while managing costs effectively.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Ensure that the elevator service provider shows up and performs the appropriate maintenance tasks like lubrication, adjustments, and regularly cleaning all the equipment. These tasks reduce wear and tear, optimize performance, and prevent premature component failure. These checks should be at a minimum as quarterly however monthly visits are more of a best practice.

Elevator efficiency checklist for building owners

Review Service Agreements

Ensure you fully understand what is included in your elevator maintenance service agreement. Contracts often have exclusions and terms that favor the service provider, leaving you paying for services that should be covered. Go through line for line and interpret what it really means, create a list of your understanding.

Compare Services vs. Invoices

If you are getting invoices or proposals that are beyond your regular contracted service review them. Regularly compare the services performed with what is outlined in your contract and what is on your bill. This helps identify any overcharges or missed services.

Keep Detailed Records

It’s vital to maintain your own records of elevator maintenance, inspections, and repairs. Know when the service provider shows up and what they are doing. You can keep basic logs on paper or us an economical solution like the ElevatorApp. Relying solely on service providers’ records can leave you in the dark about the actual condition of your elevators.

Use Elevator Monitoring Software

Implementing software like the ElevatorApp can help track maintenance activities, ensure compliance with safety codes, and prevent unnecessary repairs or premature modernization

– Authority Having Jurisdiction Inspections:

Ensure that your elevators are compliant with the local elevator inspections. Ensuring that your elevators are receiving maintenance will assist in passing inspections. Your elevator service providers can address and solve any safety issues identified and promptly addressed. Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and increased liability.

Pass Inspection means the elevator is a good myth

Just because your elevators pass the authority having jurisdiction inspection does not mean that your elevators are running to the performance levels they should be running to. For instance, your door equipment may not be functioning properly however the safety mechanisms are all in place and the elevator will pass inspection. The elevator may not be running to the required speed but it will still pass inspection. Performance and passing inspections are not fully aligned.

Parts availability

Try and keep spare parts that you may need onsite as a spare. The supply chain has really hindered parts availability. It is common now to have an elevator that needs parts out of service for several weeks up to several months because the elevator service companies do not have the parts. It is uncertain whether this is strictly related to the supply chain and or the elevator service providers not keeping the proper equipment in-house and maintaining a high inventory.


If your elevator service provider has given you a warning that parts may not be available due to the obsolescence of your equipment try to source these parts and keep on site until you can upgrade or modernize your equipment. The elevator service providers usually give you notice when a part is becoming obsolete, act on this immediately.

Project duration

Projects are taking way too long and leaving users in a predicament. Before a project starts get a schedule that is contractually committed with the elevator service provider. The labor force in the elevator industry is tight and you want to make sur

Assess Elevator Age and Condition

Older elevators may require modernization to meet the performance requirements of the building, eliminate unnecessary elevator issues, meet current safety standards, and improve efficiency. However, modernization should be carefully evaluated to avoid unnecessary costs and to meet the needs of the buildings including usage and budgets.

Phased Modernization

If full modernization is not feasible due to budget constraints, there may be other options a building can take but this option may be more expensive and may not eliminate the issues. Prioritizing critical upgrades matched with the current equipment will have the most significant impact on safety and performance.

Get an Independent Assessment

An elevator consultant can provide an unbiased review of your elevator systems, identifying inefficiencies and ensuring you are not overpaying for services. An elevator consultant can help with all our elevator needs and issues. The return on investment when hiring an elevator consultant is immediate and results can be realized immediately as well. When you use elevator consulting services you will be working with an advocate working on your behalf. They can also assist with any of the elevator concerns you may have.

Negotiate Better Terms

If your current contract isn’t serving your needs, you may consider renegotiating or exploring alternative providers. An elevator consultant can assist in securing a contract that aligns with your building’s specific requirements

It Is Your Money

Make sure you are getting what you are paying for, don’t let money go to waste, and get your services. If you have a contract with an elevator service provider you should be getting maintenance services.

Overall, managing elevators efficiently in today’s economic climate requires vigilance, strategic planning, and proactive measures. Elevator management is a multifaceted responsibility that extends beyond simple maintenance. A building may use a few or many of these items in this checklist to eliminate elevator issues to make sure they are safe, reliable, and cost-effective, protecting your building’s value and enhancing the experience for all users. Buildings may be facing financial constraints or dealing with service inadequacies, these steps will help you navigate the challenges and make informed decisions that benefit your property in the long term.

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