elevator audit

How Elevator Consultants Ensure Proper Installation Amid Construction Challenges

In the complex world of construction whether new or a modernization, elevator consultants play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between cost-effective development and long-term safety and efficiency. It is common for developers or construction companies to prioritize quick and cost-effective elevator installations to meet tight deadlines. This often leads to the selection of equipment that may not meet the highest standards of safety, reliability, or longevity. However, hiring an elevator consultant can change the dynamic of this process, ensuring that the right equipment is installed properly meeting the needs of the buildings.


Expertise and Experience:

Elevator consultants bring a wealth of specialized knowledge to construction projects. Their deep understanding of the elevator industry standards, cutting-edge technologies, and regulatory requirements positions them as essential advisors in the decision-making process. This expertise is critical in making informed decisions about the best equipment and installation practices for a specific building.

When a project arises elevator consultants conduct comprehensive surveys or reviews of all design documents to understand the unique needs of the building. This includes assessing the expected traffic, the building’s design, and any specific requirements that might influence the choice of elevator system.

Unlike contractors who might be inclined to save costs and time, elevator consultants provide unbiased recommendations that prioritize the building’s best interests when recommending an elevator system. They ensure that only the appropriate equipment, compliant with all building goals, relevant codes and standards, is installed.

Authoritative Oversight:

As impartial experts, elevator consultants provide authoritative oversight throughout the installation process. Their recommendations are rooted in a comprehensive understanding of elevator systems, prioritizing safety, efficiency, and long-term value over short-term cost savings. This level of scrutiny often leads to the selection of elevator equipment and rigorous installation practices, which can initially cause friction with developers focused on immediate cost reduction.

An elevator consultant work closely with building owners, the developer, and the construction company to understand their specific goals, whether it’s cost efficiency, enhanced safety, or improved performance. They work collaboratively with the entire team to meet the need of the client.

Effective communication is key to a successful project. Consultants maintain open lines of communication with building owners, the developer and the construction company, providing regular updates and seeking feedback to ensure that the project stays on track and aligned with the building’s expectations.

Trustworthy Advocacy:

Elevator consultants serve as trusted advocates for building owners, ensuring that installations adhere to the highest standards of safety and performance. Their involvement often results in:

  • Enhanced Safety and Reliability: By enforcing strict compliance with safety standards, consultants significantly reduce the risk of accidents, system failures and eliminate common elevator industry nuances.
  • Long-term Cost Efficiency: While initial costs may be higher, the proper selection and installation of elevator systems lead to substantial savings in maintenance, repairs, obsolesces and unnecessary headaches over time.
  • Improved Tenant Satisfaction: Reliable, efficient elevator systems contribute to meeting the building operational requirements both long and short term.

Alignment with Building Goals:

Despite potential stresses, an elevator consultants are committed to aligning their recommendations with the overall objectives of the building project. Through collaborative planning and ongoing communication, they ensure that the final elevator system not only meets safety and efficiency standards but also supports the building’s operational and financial goals. They are an advocate to the their client.

The involvement of elevator consultants in construction and modernization projects is a testament to the industry’s commitment to safety, efficiency, and long-term value. While their rigorous approach may initially challenge conventional construction timelines and budgets, the expertise, authority, and trustworthiness they bring to projects ultimately result in superior elevator systems that enhance building safety, efficiency, and overall value.

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For building owners and developers, embracing the expertise of elevator consultants represents not just a regulatory necessity, but a strategic investment in the future of their properties. As the construction industry continues to evolve, the role of these specialized consultants will remain crucial in ensuring that vertical transportation systems meet the highest standards of safety, efficiency, and performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How an Elevator Consultant Can Help Commercial Real Estate Buildings Cut Costs and Remain Code Compliant

As vacancy rates rise in commercial buildings, property managers and owners are under immense pressure. To reduce operational expenses while maintaining a safe and compliant environment for tenants and visitors. One area that presents cost-saving opportunities is elevator maintenance. However, navigating the complexities of elevator systems, regulations, and cost-effective solutions can be daunting. This is where the expertise of an elevator consultant becomes invaluable.

Furthermore, with decades of experience in the vertical transportation industry. Elevator consultants possess a deep understanding of elevator systems, codes, and best practices. Their knowledge and impartial perspective can guide building owners and managers in making informed decisions that optimize costs while ensuring compliance with safety standards and regulations.

How an Elevator Consultant Can Help Commercial Real Estate Buildings Cut Costs and Remain Code Compliant

The Importance of Thorough Data Evaluation

The goal is to save costs without compromising on essential services. However, taking a thorough look at the elevator maintenance currently being received and the existing contracts is critical. Historically, buildings often do not receive the preventative maintenance they believe they should be getting. Many buildings expect monthly maintenance but may not even receive quarterly maintenance, leading to a series of issues and inefficiencies.

An elevator consultant can perform a review of the building’s elevator systems and maintenance records to see if there is a way to save the building cost. This involves reviewing past service records proposals, and other processes, ensuring that the service provider performs maintenance as required. This can reveal discrepancies between the service contract and the actual maintenance performed. Highlighting areas for improvement and potential cost savings. The building will incur an immediate profit from this process.

Unbiased Expertise and Long-Term Savings

Elevator consultants provide an unbiased opinion, free from the financial interests of elevator service companies. This impartiality ensures that the recommendations are genuinely in the best interest of the building owner, focusing on necessary repairs and maintenance rather than profit-driven services. By thoroughly understanding of the elevator’s condition and usage, consultants can explore all options available, ensuring that the chosen solutions are both cost-effective and efficient.

Consultants also offer long-term cost savings by implementing the right solutions, preventing frequent issues, and unnecessary proposals, and improving safety. Also, their specialized expertise extends beyond typical repair services, covering codes, equipment maintenance, and industry best practices. Therefore, this level of knowledge provides a significant advantage in strategic planning for elevator maintenance and repair.

Addressing Common Elevator Issues

Elevators, like any mechanical system, can encounter a variety of issues. Common problems include irregular door functioning, jerking or shaking, unusual noises, slow or inconsistent operation, and electrical issues. However, regular maintenance is crucial in identifying and addressing these issues early, preventing them from escalating into major and costly repairs.

Additionally, an elevator consultant can guide building owners in developing a maintenance plan that includes regular preventive maintenance, parts replacement, and prompt repairs. This proactive approach not only extends the lifespan of the elevators but also eliminates downtime and unnecessary costs, and enhances safety and compliance with regulatory standards.

Customizing Maintenance Agreements

Choosing the right elevator maintenance service agreement is essential. Many buildings rely on contracts provided by the service providers, which often favor the provider rather than the building. Additionally, an elevator consultant can recommend using customized maintenance service agreements that align with the building’s specific needs and usage. These tailored agreements protect the building’s interests, ensuring comprehensive and cost-effective maintenance.

Additionally, buildings have options like the ElevatorApp which can provide affordable and effective maintenance agreements, track service, provide data to make decisions on elevators, and much more. So, this platform simplifies record-keeping, ensuring that all maintenance activities are documented and compliant with safety codes. It also helps in avoiding overcharges and unnecessary repairs by maintaining transparency and accountability in elevator services.

Financial Challenges

One of the biggest challenges building owners face is the perception of additional fees, especially when they are already struggling to keep their properties profitable. Furthermore, Elevator consultants bring creative solutions to mitigate this concern, ensuring that their services add value without overwhelming the building’s budget.

Phased Repairs, Upgrades, and Modernization

Instead of breaking the budget, consultants can prioritize critical upgrades, allowing for phased investments that align with the building’s financial capabilities.

Maintenance Bundling

By bundling maintenance services, consultants can negotiate better rates and reduce overall costs, ensuring buildings receive comprehensive care without excessive financial strain.

Vendor Negotiations

Consultants use their industry knowledge to negotiate favorable terms with service providers, securing cost-effective contracts that protect the building’s interests.

Leveraging Technology for Better Management

Modern technology plays a significant role in efficient elevator management. Also, tools like the ElevatorApp offer real-time data tracking, maintenance service records, inspection dates, and callback data, providing actionable insights for better decision-making. This transparency helps in managing costs, improving safety, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Predictive maintenance powered by data analytics can anticipate potential issues before they escalate, allowing for timely interventions that are less costly. Additionally, benchmarking and performance analysis help in setting maintenance schedules that optimize both cost and performance.

Overall, engaging an elevator consultant is a strategic move for building owners and property managers looking to cut costs and remain code-compliant. In addition, the expertise and impartial advice provided by consultants ensures that elevator systems are maintained efficiently and cost-effectively. By leveraging regular maintenance, customized service agreements, and advanced technology, building owners can enhance the safety, reliability, and lifespan of their elevators, ultimately benefiting both the property’s operational efficiency and its occupants’ satisfaction.

Have a Question About Elevators Consultants?


(312) 519-9949

Frequently Asked Questions

Common Elevator Issues

Elevators have become an indispensable part of our daily lives if you are going to any building with more than two stories. An elevator is exposed to daily wear and tear of constant use and in some cases misuse. Maintenance issues can arise, potentially compromising the reliability we’ve come to expect not to mention the cost and safety associated.

After years of experience in elevator consulting, there are prevalent elevator maintenance challenges it is helpful to shed light on the importance of addressing them promptly to ensure a smooth and secure vertical journey for all.

common elevator issues

1. Doors Issues

One of the most frequent issues encountered in elevator maintenance is door-related issues whether malfunctioning for numerous issues, damaged, or service-related. However, these problems can range from doors not opening or closing properly to misaligned sensors and mechanical faults. Worn-out components, physical damage, or obstructions in the door tracks are common culprits behind these issues

Malfunctioning doors not only cause inconvenience due to elevators being out of service but also pose a significant safety risk. Proper use, cleanliness, and regular maintenance of doors, door operators, rollers, and tracks are crucial to prevent door-related problems.

2. General Mechanical Failures

Elevator systems are complex with numerous moving parts, and mechanical failures are an inevitable part of their lifecycle. Common mechanical issues include motor issues, drives, cables, roller guides, and control system faults.

These failures can result from regular wear and tear, inadequate maintenance, or lack of timely repairs. Neglecting preventative maintenance usually results in mechanical issues which can lead to costly repairs, extended downtime, user displeasure, and potential safety.

3. Unusual Noises

It is very common for an elevator consultant to hear from clients that they are hearing strange noises, like scrapping, grinding, shaking, squeaking, and clunking noises which are often indicators of underlying mechanical issues. These sounds may suggest several different issues from misaligned components, loose parts, the need for lubrication, and several others.

Regular preventative elevator maintenance can help prevent these issues before they even become significant problems, potentially preventing costly repairs and downtime.

4. Slow or Jerky Movements

Elevators may move slowly, bounce, jerk motion, sway, or other movements which can be alarming, scary, and uncomfortable for users. Furthermore, these issues can be caused by many issues from improper lubrication, worn-out components, misaligned pulleys, or problems with the motor or drive system to name a few.

Regular preventative maintenance, including lubrication and component replacements, as well as prompt repairs, are necessary to prevent these problems and ensure a comfortable user experience

5. Stuck or Unresponsive Elevators

Elevators can become stuck or unresponsive elevators can be due to power outages, malfunctioning control systems, mechanical failures, or other issues. Also, these situations can be distressing for passengers and require prompt attention.

Ensuring a reliable power supply, generators, and regular preventative maintenance of the control panel and elevator-related components can help minimize the risk of these issues.

Preventive Maintenance: The Key to Reliable Elevator Operation

Preventive maintenance is the cornerstone of preventing and ensuring the safe, reliable, and efficient operation of elevators. Regular maintenance, timely repairs, and upgrades can significantly reduce the occurrence of common elevator problems.

Working with an experienced elevator service provider who understands the complexities of elevator systems is essential. These experts can provide the proper preventative maintenance and identify potential issues early, recommend appropriate maintenance schedules, and ensure compliance with relevant safety regulations and industry standards.

All building owners and managers can minimize common elevator and escalator issues to avoid downtime, extend the lifespan of their elevator equipment, stop unnecessary costs, and provide a safe and convenient experience for building occupants and visitors.

Elevators are vital components of buildings, but they require diligent maintenance to ensure their continued operation. By ensuring your service provider is conducting preventative maintenance addressing common issues building owners and managers can maintain reliability. And the safety of their elevator systems and increased user experience. In addition, investing in preventive maintenance, making sure the service provider shows up as required. Working with experienced elevator service providers is the key to achieving this goal.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A Game-Changing Elevator Audit for a Nationwide Real Estate Firm

Navigating Elevator Management Across the Country

At The Elevator Consultants (TEC), we understand that managing elevators in a diverse portfolio of properties across the country is no easy feat. This was precisely the challenge faced by a nationwide commercial real estate firm, managing 180 units. Regular elevator inspections were failing, and maintenance inefficiencies were causing not just financial strain but also safety concerns. This case study illustrates how our expert audit turned their situation around, setting new standards in elevator management.

The Predicament: Uncovering Hidden Inefficiencies

The firm’s predicament involved two major challenges: an alarming rate of failed mandatory safety inspections and a noticeable lack of proper maintenance. Burdened with a plethora of invoices, work orders, and service records, the firm struggled to determine the legitimacy and adequacy of the maintenance activities.

TEC’s Comprehensive Approach

Faced with these challenges, the firm engaged TEC for an extensive audit of their elevator systems. Our goal was to thoroughly examine the elevators across all units, assessing compliance with safety standards and evaluating the effectiveness of ongoing maintenance. A key part of our role was to review all data provided to validate the inadequacies in the service being offered by their elevator service providers.

Startling Discoveries and Actionable Insights

Our audit unveiled significant inefficiencies: 40% of the elevators had overdue testing, and 70% were not maintained annually, leading to over $41,000 in fines for failed inspections. These revelations were not just frustrating but also eye-opening for the firm, offering them actionable data to address their longstanding issues.

Client’s Transformation

Following our comprehensive report, the firm implemented a rigorous program of corrective measures. Working closely with their elevator service providers, they ensured overdue maintenance was promptly addressed. With TEC’s guidance, they also implemented a structured program to hold the service providers accountable, instituting stringent oversight and quality checks for all future maintenance activities.

Achieving Long-Term Success

The firm’s collaboration with TEC evolved into an ongoing commitment. Through regular quarterly meetings and consultations, we ensured continuous improvement and compliance. This proactive approach led to a dramatic reduction in unnecessary maintenance and inspection fees by 90% over a nine-month period, significantly enhancing the safety and operational efficiency of their elevator systems.

Elevator Excellence with TEC

This case study highlights the transformative impact of a professional elevator audit in the commercial real estate sector. At The Elevator Consultants, we are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of elevator management, ensuring safety, efficiency, and financial prudence. Contact us to discover how we can assist you in elevating your property’s elevator management to new heights.


Revolutionize Your Building’s Efficiency and Safety with Expert Elevator Oversight

In the bustling world of property management, building ownership, and facility management, where every detail counts and every decision impacts your bottom line, elevator maintenance and management often take a backseat – until it becomes a pressing issue. Imagine transforming this overlooked aspect into a pillar of your building’s efficiency and safety. This is where a professional elevator consulting firm steps in, turning elevator management from a mundane task into a strategic asset.

The Unseen Risks of Neglecting Elevator Management

As a property manager, your day is a whirlwind of activity. From addressing tenant concerns to balancing budgets, your responsibilities are as varied as they are critical. Amidst this chaos, elevator maintenance might seem like just another box to tick. However, it’s fraught with hidden risks. A malfunctioning elevator can lead to unhappy tenants and visitors. Worse yet, improper maintenance and record-keeping can spiral into legal nightmares and safety hazards.

The truth is, elevators are more than just a mode of transportation within your building; they’re a crucial aspect of your property’s infrastructure. Neglecting their proper care and documentation isn’t just an oversight—it’s a liability and can be an unruly expense.

The Problem That Keeps You Up at Night

What keeps property management, building ownership, and facility management up at night? The thought of an elevator nonfunctioning during a crucial moment. This isn’t fearmongering; these are genuine challenges that property management, building ownership, and facility management face due to inadequate elevator maintenance and record-keeping.

A Tailored Solution to Elevator Management

At the Elevator Consultants, we understand these challenges. That’s why we offer a solution tailored to alleviate them. By partnering with us, you’re investing in a comprehensive management solution. Our approach covers everything from meticulous record-keeping with the ElevatorApp to proactive maintenance planning, customized service contracts, audits, and expert support.

Record-Keeping: Your First Line of Defense

One of the cornerstones of our service is comprehensive record-keeping with the ElevatorApp. Imagine having a detailed log of every maintenance check, repair, and inspection at your fingertips. This isn’t just about staying organized; it’s about being prepared for any situation – be it a tenant inquiry, a compliance inspection, an invoice from the service provider, or a legal dispute. Our record-keeping ensures you’re always one step ahead.

Proactive Maintenance: A Stitch in Time

Elevator issues can disrupt the normal flow of your building and jeopardize your reputation. Our proactive maintenance approach focuses on anticipating and addressing issues before they escalate. This means fewer surprises, less downtime, minimal time with elevator issues, and, most importantly, a safer environment.

Customized Service Contracts: Tailored to Your Needs

Every building is unique, and so are its elevator maintenance needs. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our service contracts are meticulously crafted to align with your specific requirements, ensuring you get exactly what you need without paying for unnecessary extras.

Compliance Audits: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Navigating the maze of regulations and safety standards can be daunting. Our ElevatorApp and elevator management take this burden off your shoulders. We assist in ensuring your elevators meet all legal requirements, reducing the risk of fines and legal complications.

Expert Support: Peace of Mind, Anytime

Elevator issues don’t stick to a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither do we. Our elevator management provides you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing expert help is just a call away.

Testimonials: Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

“Our partnership with JLL has been a game-changer. Their expertise in elevator management has not only improved our efficiency but also enhanced our building’s safety standards.” – Greg P. 

Take the First Step Towards Stress-Free Management

Are you ready to transform how you manage your elevators? Contact The Elevator Consultants today and take the first step towards efficient, safe, and stress-free elevator management.

Join a Community of Satisfied Property Managers

When you choose a professional elevator consulting firm like The Elevator Consultants you’re not just selecting a service provider; you’re joining a community of forward-thinking property managers who value efficiency, safety, and peace of mind. Welcome to the future of elevator management.


ElevatorApp: Elevating Cost Efficiency and Compliance in Challenging Economic Times

In the face of 2023’s challenging economic landscape, commercial property managers, hospitals, retailers, condominium associations, hotels, and others are on a relentless quest to cut costs without compromising service quality or safety. The emergence of elevator monitoring software, such as the ElevatorApp, is proving to be a game-changer. The ElevatorApp offers a technology-driven solution that brings transparency, compliance, and cost efficiency to the forefront of elevator management.

The Financial Impact of Elevator Monitoring Software

As a cutting-edge platform, the ElevatorApp stands out by addressing the pivotal concerns of cost-saving and compliance in commercial property management. It offers a host of financial benefits that are vital in the current economy:

1. Preventing Overcharges: By keeping precise records of all maintenance and service actions, the software safeguards against overcharging – ensuring that property managers are not billed for services that were not provided.

2. Verifiable Service History: With the complete service history at their fingertips, managers can confidently assess whether a recommended repair is essential while avoiding unnecessary expenses that are not aligned with the actual condition or performance of the elevator system.

3. Contractual Assurance: The ElevatorApp provides a detailed breakdown of services rendered versus services included in the contract. This allows managers to verify that they are indeed getting what they are paying for, thus eliminating wasteful spending on supposed ‘extra’ services.

4. Code Compliance and Inspections: Compliance with codes and regulations is non-negotiable pertaining to safety and legal operation. The software ensures that all maintenance activities are recorded, making it easier to demonstrate compliance to authorities and pass inspections with fewer hassles, while potentially avoiding costly fines or operational interruptions.

Maximizing Savings with ElevatorApp

The advantages of implementing ElevatorApp extend well beyond simple record-keeping. The platform is engineered to translate data into savings:

– Predictive Maintenance: By leveraging data analytics, the software can anticipate potential issues before they escalate into expensive repairs, allowing for interventions that are both timely and less costly.

– Benchmarking and Performance Analysis: The aggregated data from ElevatorApp can be utilized to set benchmarks and evaluate the performance against industry standards, ensuring that maintenance schedules are optimized for both cost and performance.

– Lifecycle Forecasting: The app’s lifecycle management tools enable property managers to plan for future expenses, ensuring that funds are allocated wisely, and that elevator uptime is maximized.

– Streamlined Operations: The efficiency brought about by the software reduces the administrative burden and risk of human error, further adding to cost savings.

ElevatorApp: A Strategic Investment in Elevator Management

The adoption of ElevatorApp represents a strategic investment for property managers aiming to navigate the economic downturn with shrewdness. By embracing this technology, they place themselves at a vantage point where every dollar spent on elevator maintenance and service can be accounted for, and every compliance requirement is met with precision.

As commercial property managers, hospitals, retailers, condominium associations, hotels, and others grapple with the economic pressures of 2023, the ElevatorApp emerges as an indispensable tool for their arsenal. It is not merely a cost-cutting instrument, but a comprehensive elevator service management solution that ensures transparency, compliance, and financial prudence – ultimately enhancing the profitability and operational stability of commercial properties.

Navigating Economic Turbulence: The Crucial Role of Elevator Consultants in Protecting Your Assets

The global economy in 2023 is a landscape fraught with challenges, reshaped by the persistent legacy of COVID-19 and the seismic shifts it caused in both work habits and consumer behavior. Among the various ripples of this ongoing transformation is the increasingly complex task of managing commercial properties a task complicated by the need to optimize costs without compromising on quality or safety, especially when it comes to essential services such as elevator maintenance and operations.

The Pandemic’s Aftermath: A Shift in Commercial Property Dynamics

The work-from-home revolution birthed out of necessity during the pandemic has persisted, leading to a significant reduction in demand for traditional office spaces. Consequently, commercial property managers are left grappling with underutilized spaces and a tighter market. Additionally, retailers, hotels, and hospitals are also experiencing the chilling effect of a public that is more cautious with its spending due to the high cost of living and a labor market that has not fully recovered.

A High Stakes Balancing Act: Elevator Service in the Crosshairs

Amidst these economic pressures, building owners and managers are diligently searching for areas where costs can be curtailed. Elevators, essential to the vertical transportation of tenants and goods, present a particularly delicate avenue for potential savings. This is an area fraught with safety and regulatory implications, where cost-cutting measures cannot be adopted at the expense of reliability and compliance.

The Dilemma with Elevator Service Companies

Unfortunately, this need to economize may be exploited by some elevator service companies. In a bid to boost profits, there are instances where services are sold that may not be necessary, where charges are levied for work covered under existing contracts, or where parts are declared obsolete prematurely, leading to unnecessary and costly replacements. For building managers without technical expertise in elevators, such practices can go unnoticed leading to overblown maintenance budgets and diminished trust in service providers.

The Role of Elevator Consultants: Ensuring Integrity and Efficiency

This is where elevator consulting firms, such as The Elevator Consultants, step in to offer critical oversight and specialized knowledge. Such firms are pivotal in ensuring that buildings with elevators are not only safe and compliant but are also managed with financial astuteness.

1. Contractual Clarity: Elevator consultants meticulously review service contracts to ensure that property managers are receiving the services they have paid for and are not being charged extra for those covered by existing agreements.

2. Technical Advocacy: Elevator consultants serve as the technical advocates for property managers, ensuring that recommendations made by service companies are necessary and within the best interest of the building’s operations.

3. Modernization vs. Maintenance: By offering an independent assessment, elevator consultants can advise whether it is truly necessary to replace parts or whether maintenance or repair would suffice, preventing unnecessary expenditures.

4. Parts and Procurement: Elevator consultants can verify the claimed obsolescence of parts and can often assist in sourcing or repairing components, preventing costly full-scale replacements.

5. Long-term Planning: With their expertise, elevator consultants can aid in the long-term planning for elevator maintenance and modernization, ensuring that buildings are prepared for future needs without abrupt financial burdens.

The Road Ahead: Elevator Consultants as Essential Partners

In an economy that requires every dollar to be stretched further, the services of a professional elevator consulting firm are not just beneficial—they are essential. These firms function as both a shield against potential overcharging and a guide towards cost-effective elevator management. For building owners, property managers, and anyone responsible for the safe and efficient operation of elevators, partnering with a reputable elevator consultant is a strategic move to navigate these tough economic times with confidence and foresight.

As we forge ahead, it is clear that the landscape of commercial property management has changed indelibly. The value of expert consultancy in preserving the health of your assets and your bottom line has never been more evident. For those looking to ensure their elevators are a source of value and not financial drain, engaging with an elevator consultant is a prudent step toward sustainable property stewardship in a challenging economy.

Elevator services overcharges

Today it is common for elevator consulting firms to witness several companies being overcharged for elevator services. Overcharges have always been common throughout the years, however in present times – it is a daily occurrence. It has always been common in certain industries, but has become a daily occurrence in all industries – whether it be a hospital, a hotel, a retailer, or a commercial property that is being overcharged. The overcharge reasons might be for overtime labor, missed preventative maintenance, parts, unnecessary repairs, travel time, or repairs that are already covered in your contract. Those elevator services may be justified, but often times the amount being charged is rarely accurate. When managing a building that has an elevator, escalator, or lift, busy property managers, general managers, portfolio managers, asset managers, building engineers, building owners, (or whatever your title or role maybe) must review their elevator information carefully. An elevator service contract that has been given to you may be difficult to comprehend unless you are an elevator expert that deals with elevator issues daily. Elevator consulting firms exist because the elevator industry is difficult for common building professionals to be adequately knowledgeable on the subject. Elevators, escalators, and lifts have always been a mechanical conundrum within a building, and there are several things that a building professional should know in order to safeguard the building from paying expensive over charges.

Over ninety percent of buildings with elevators have a maintenance service agreement that was presented by the service provider and signed by the building. That percentage is an estimate based on what The Elevator Consultants repeatedly observes. Although we believe it is higher since our clients are working with a consulting firm. Many times, buildings sign these contracts without being aware that they have another option: They can have a maintenance agreement specification written by an elevator consulting firm, or they can utilize the elevatorapp.com website and have one created. The fee for an elevator maintenance service agreement specification that favors the building and its operations is well worth the cost. Over charges are eliminated and costs are contained, so the return on investment is almost always immediate, and a contract written for the building is easier to comprehend and drafted with terms that are in line with a specific building.

If you have a contract that has been executed by the service provider, it is crucial that you understand it. The contract will incorporate language that declares what is included, excluded, and what the elevator service contract will provide. When a proposal or invoice is received from the service provider, the building will need to review it carefully in order to verify if the service that you’re being charged for is included in the contract. If it is in the contract, then you will know that its covered and there should be no charge to you. If it’s not covered in your contract, you’ll be charged for the cost of any materials used as well as the labor to do the install or repair. The building should also scrutinize the labor rates and time for the repair to make certain that the charges are accurate. You will be able to determine the amount of time it for the install or repair by referring to the logs that you are keeping at your building. This is such a simple task that can save a building a significant amount of money and should always be done.. The elevatorapp.com automates the process and simplifies things making these tasks remarkably easy. These simple, upfront tasks can help protect the building from being overcharged on elevators. It is important to realize that while its common for buildings to rely on their elevator service provider, the code dictates that the responsibility ultimately lies with the building owner. The building owner is required to have records of all maintenance.

In today’s world, there are many unprecedent things going on that no one could have ever predicted, resulting in various stresses laid upon everyone and everything. The elevator industry is certainly not

the only industry that is being exposed to overcharges, and the overcharges can happen for numerous reasons – including simple human or computer error, and inquiring about it may get the charges eliminated if they were in fact charged in error. If a building is faced with a confusing proposal or invoice, they can always reach out to an elevator consulting firm at any time. The Elevator Consultants will always let the building know in advance if they can be help a building with their elevator issues. The building will have to spend some money to save a significant amount of money, but the savings will pay for any consulting fees in no time at all. A building professional has an extreme work load – and elevators, escalators, and lifts should not have to be a part of it.

Elevator Industry Trends for 2024

The elevator industry is a special industry unlike any other within a building with elevators – whether commercial real estate, hospital, retail, hotel, university, residential apartment, and others. It is common for property managers and engineers to feel in the dark about the elevators, escalators, and lifts. The building personnel rely on the elevator service provider for everything about their equipment, and without the data or the knowledge to analyze a situation, they only have 100% of the information coming from the elevator service provider. This is one of the only industries like this, and understanding the trends can be helpful to commercial property managers, real estate investors, engineers, and the like.


Elevator Industry Trends

Recordkeeping is a code requirement that is the building’s responsibility; however, the building personnel almost always rely on their elevator service provider for this. The service providers are providing their information stating what they did to the building. Buildings rely on elevator companies and are paying thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars a year without any checks and balances. They rely on the elevator companies. It is interesting that there is governance for all other mechanics and operations of a building, but none for elevator service providers. Buildings can put some governance around elevators by simply keeping their own records – either manually, or with software like the ElevatorApp. The ElevatorApp tracks all of the elevator maintenance service, inspections, testing dates, callbacks, and basically everything you need for your elevators. It has become extremely easy for buildings to keep records (especially since they are required to by code); however, buildings are not doing so.

Passing Inspection

“If I pass inspection, my elevator is fine”. It is common for property managers and others to feel that if they pass inspection, their elevator is working great; This is not always the case. An inspection that’s been completed by the authority having jurisdiction is a safety inspection that was performed to ensure the elevator is code-compliant. An inspection does not take into consideration the performance of an elevator, age, obsolescence, parts availability, callback maintenance, overcharges, and many other variables. Unfortunately, when someone is buying a building, they look at the inspection records and think that because it has passed inspection, the elevator is in great shape – without considering all of the other variables

Proprietary Equipment

The elevator original equipment manufacturers (OEM): Kone, Schindler, TK Elevator, and Otis are installing proprietary equipment – which means that they are the only ones who can provide service on the equipment for numerous years into the future. This is done so that the service providers are locked into a maintenance agreement for years to come, allowing them to charge a premium for their services. Even if the OEM says that the equipment is not proprietary, other service providers will have to spend a significant amount of money for training and tools; Thus, making it difficult for other service providers to maintain the equipment. OEMs are installing their equipment in both new elevator installations and during elevator modernizations, and even offering their products at significant cost savings compared to

others – just to get their equipment in installed. The cost may be cheaper upfront, but the building will usually end up paying more after the installation to maintain the equipment. Machine room-less (MRL) fall under this criterion as well; MRLs are cheaper to install, but the operating cost are astronomical. Developers, architects, and construction companies will typically install MRLs because of the low cost, and the design of the building is usually designed based on only one OEM.


The construction industry is still booming and installing elevators, but the elevator industry labor pool is shrinking. The number of elevators in the United States is significant (no recent count of existing elevators), and the number of individuals going into the trade is not keeping up with the demand. Retirements are leading to less experienced technicians who are able to work on older equipment; Therefore, there are fewer individuals who can maintain and work on the equipment. Companies are not training technicians on older equipment and the knowledgeable workforce is disappearing. As a result, elevator modernizations, downtime, and callbacks for old equipment needs to be addressed.

A building must stay on top of all the changes in the elevator industry to mitigate any issues. This is difficult for any building, especially when combined with other trends that are taking place: Part availability, obsolescence, in-house mechanics, break/fix maintenance only, remote elevator monitoring, and/or reliability-centered maintenance programs. An elevator consulting firm can help you navigate through industry changes to make sure that your building is protected.

3 Ways Elevator Consulting Services Can Help in Today’s Economy

The Elevator Consultants clients are asking how elevator consulting services can help. Regarding elevators and escalators, there are a few steps property managers can review. Read on for the top 3.

The news is splattered with the challenges commercial buildings are facing. The post-pandemic work-at-home trend leaves commercial real estate buildings with the same operating costs as before but less revenue. The Elevator Consultants clients are asking how elevator consulting services can help. Regarding elevators and escalators, there are a few steps property managers can review:

  • Have an elevator consultant review your maintenance contract and look for the hidden terms that may allow you to reduce your rate, i.e., occupancy clause, elevator usage, etc. 
  • Have an elevator audit completed to ensure you are receiving the service you’ve paid for. If you are not receiving preventative maintenance, consider looking at reliability-centered maintenance. Look at industry benchmarks on your equipment to determine the best practices your equipment may need. This simple step may save you by implementing a strategy your elevators and escalators need and allow you to uncover you may be paying for services you might not need.    
  • Review all invoices from your elevator services provider. This easy yet often-overlooked step will help prevent errors on invoices that are common throughout the country. 

These elevator consulting services are simple steps that have helped commercial real estate buildings reduce cost, save time and be more competitive. The economy is uncertain, and every procedure can help a building.